Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Pinteresting Week

Last week, was a total Fail with my Pinterest post. Sorry! Have you been pinning anything this week? If so, I'd love to see what your favorite was! If you have a Pinterest post of any kind, be sure to link up below! You can follow me on Pinterest at If you leave a comment share your Pinterest link with me so I can follow you!

This is who the boys and I are rooting for tomorrow!

My boys love LEGOS I love Say Anything

I've been trying to think of some fun & creative things to do for my walls like this:

We can all be used by God!


  1. I have not had a chance to blog this past week but I did do some pinning myself

  2. I didn't get anything up either...but I loved the "used by God" that was awesome.
    Marie H
    Howard House

  3. I love the pin "We can all be used by GOD"! You're linky is not open yet, but I'd love for you to join my Superbowl XLVI Pinterest Hop

    Stopping by from Karma Bloggers!

  4. Still avoiding Pinterest, but I do love the lego shot and the poster about the biblical figures. Good point!

  5. Hi Mimi!

    I am a fellow Triberr member. Just a quick note to let you know that we have found Pinterest to be a great tool for our A Modern Dad community for discussing relevant books and product, and providing parenting advice and recommendations... We have not been very active over the past few months, but we are planning to utilize it much more as we move forward in 2012.

    All the best,
    Brad S


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!