Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ Drums & A Cat

His shirt says, "I Rock"

Pearl loves hugging back


  1. Oh my oh my! I hope that day never comes in MY house. But the, The Girl took it upon herself to talk to the band teacher yesterday. Seems, unbeknownst to me, she wants to be in band next year!

    A black cat named Pearl. Hmm... :-)

  2. That is awesome! I so love to see kids getting into something... especially music!

  3. LOVE this young man and musician (he rocks!) Our grandson has a set of drums and is awesome. He'll be 4 next month. Start 'em young, I always say. Really like your photos Mimi!

  4. Aw, what a sweet kitty! I didnt know your son played the drums! Cool!

  5. Awwww, so glad she's a lovey cat!

    I can't believe you have the patience for a drum set!

  6. The Mr. is a drummer I can imagine him looking like that as a kid with a full set! Tell him to "Rock On" those skills come in handy. Bands have the hardest times finding a good drummer. Thanks for hosting!

  7. I agree with Tammi! Brave mama.


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