I have a confession to make. I love t-shirts. Put me in a pair of jeans and a fabulous t-shirt and I’m a happy girl!
That being said, I had the opportunity to try out the new Old Navy BEST-TEES! I went with the Women's Tri-Blend V-Neck in Dark Blue. The one thing I noticed right away was how much I liked the color! It’s not just a solid blue. There are flecks of white in it that add character to it!
When I put it on, I loved how soft it was and it fit me perfectly. I chose a size SM, but since I’d never tried one on before I wasn’t sure of the fit. Well, the SM is actually a bit big on me. I’ll have to go with an XS next time. Live and learn, eh?
It’s also a long t-shirt which would be perfect for layering and tucking in if you’re wearing it with something else. I hate when you have a t-shirt that barely tucks into your pants and is always coming undone. So irritating. I know you know what I’m talking about!
I will admit, for the most part, I prefer to wear my t-shirts outside of my jeans so I would’ve liked this shirt to have been about 3” shorter. It actually is hangs down to the crotch of my pants, which works for the reasons I mentioned above: layering and tucking!
I was never much of a v-neck shirt wearer, but I’ve noticed lately that I’m leaning towards them more. I guess I feel more girly? Who knows. I just like that the v-neck doesn’t go down too far!
I haven’t done a family photo for a LONG time and realized these shirts come in sizes from Toddlers, to Kids, to Men, and Women! Now I just have to decide if we’re going to all match, have the boys wear one color and the girls wear another or all wear a different one…and possibly a different cut! Oh the options…
And if you haven’t seen this video/commercial with Mr. T you’ve been missing out!
The next time I go shopping at Old Navy, I’ll be stocking up on some much needed camisoles and tanks, as well as a few of their t-shirts so I can mix and match!
What do you love best about the t-shirts you wear? What new ones will you be adding to your wardrobe this Spring/Summer?
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Old Navy and received a product sample to facilitate my review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Miracle-Gro Expand 'n Grow

What's fantastic is coconut coir is at the heart of this mixture! The short fibers and pith from the coconuts that are harvested used to be disposed of, but now are used as soil amendments! Reducing waste is always a benefit! The compressed coir pith re-expands as it's watered so it improves moisture control and bulk density.
Thankfully the all natural fibers retain up to 50% more moisture than basic potting soil! And the nice thing about this is you can use it in-ground or for potting soil. I've also never used any kind of fertilizer with my veggies and Miracle-Gro Expand 'n Grow provides up to 6 months feeding! Exactly the amount of time I'd need it!
I can NOT wait until the veggies come in and I can start watching my garden grow! Are you doing a garden this year? Will it be a perennial or vegetable garden? Both?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Chick-fil-A Kid’s Meals Giveaway
Lace up your sneakers because the new Nutritious Chick-fil-A Kid’s Meals are going to help fuel active family fun! Spring is here and what better way to promote an active lifestyle, and enjoy the great outdoors than with some old school games for your family to enjoy. The Old School Fun blog app is now available with classic old school games for the family and a fun throwback quiz!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Scotts Snap Spreader System
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I'm SO excited that Spring has sprung here in MN. A year ago I would NOT have shared the same sentiment. Last year at this time we were covered in snow. This year is the mildest year I've experienced since moving here 14 yrs ago.
Of course, with this amazing weather, I'm thinking of my lawn and garden. I have a huge lawn and it takes me forever to maintain it! I have a basic Scotts feeder for my fertilizer, but I am in need of something a bit more helpful!
That's where Scotts® Snap® Spreader System comes in handy! I have Irises that are along my grass line, but nothing separating it out very well. The EdgeGuard would keep them safe as I fertilized the rest of my lawn. It would also be nice to have it for along the dirt driveway so I don't waste it on dirt!
Typically when I have to fertilize I lift this huge bag and try not to make a mess everywhere, with piles of fertilizer where I'm trying to pour it into the spreader. And then, since the yard is so large, I have to do that numerous times. Ugh, what a pain in the toosh! Thankfully the Snap Pac connects directly to the Snap Spreader! Hooray for no waste and less work for me! And, if I have any left over, it seals automatically when it's removed!
Last year I had a ton of crabgrass so right now in my area I have GOT to get the Crabgrass preventer on now or I'll be in the same boat I was last year. I'm definitely not interested in the same lawn as last year!
I'm planning on signing up for Snap perks on Facebook because honestly, I could handle winning some amazing prizes right now! The Scotts Snap Perk Program starts March 7, 2012 so make sure you head there and Like their page!
Make sure to check out video to hear a testimonial Here's to a great lawn for all of us this year!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Workout Blahs
I have been trying to work out consistently the past couple of months. I'm not super fond of working out. Before now, the last time I actively worked out was...back in college. It was required so I did it. My aerobics instructor let me know that the reason I probably could never tone my butt, belly and thighs was genetic. Both sides of my family have both of those in abundance. yay me (droll laugh)
Somehow, I'm trying to ignore what she told me and I'm exercising following a routine set up by my Active 2 for the Wii. I've been doing it faithfully. The last couple weeks were a bit screwy because of my work schedule, but I made sure I wasn't more than a day behind. Yesterday, to make sure I stayed caught up I exercised in the morning and in the evening.
Yah, I'm losing my mind. I got up in the morning just to see if I might enjoy it more than the evening. I've heard people say they love working out to start their day. I enjoy starting my day by hitting the snooze button.
I tried it, I won't do it again. All I wanted to do was lay down and go back to sleep. Clearly I'll be sticking with nighttime workouts!
Today was my workout day off. I didn't do much because I didn't work either. So here's how I feel:
When I don't work out...I feel SO chubby. Feel like my gut's got "dunlop" syndrome. My thighs feel like they keep flopping against each other. It's just no good. I'm not supposed to workout, but man I want to. I realize it's important for our bodies to recover and have a few days off during the week. This is how I want to feel at the end of every day:
It seems these days, with the changes I've been making if I don't drink water through the day, or if I eat a bowl of ice cream, or have some chocolate, I feel so "BLAH". I mean that physically. I don't care that I ate any of that, but my body, a different story. It doesn't seem to like any of that stuff anymore.
If you work out, have you ever dealt with that? I could eat carrots until the bunnies come home, but half a chocolate bar and I feel like the lower half of my body just bloated! I certainly won't cut that stuff out of my diet, but moderation is definitely the key!
Ok, I won't actually go work out, but I'm going to go try my new Black Eyed Peas Experience. I've got to figure those dances out!!! I'll be doing a review of it soon and I'll let you know what I think. It's waaay harder than Just Dance 3! LOL And that took me a few times to get the hang of it.
How do you balance exercising, days off, and eating healthy?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Made In America Blogger Event Sign Ups
- You must get at least a $25 prize/package together to be given away during the event. We want ALL prizes to be American Made!
- You must display the event button on your sidebar from now until the event ends
- Participation is completely FREE! All you have to do is make sure the button is on your blog side bar, and write a post encouraging other bloggers to join in the fun! Put the link to your blog post in the form below.
- If you would like to participate in a GRAND PRIZE CASH GIVEAWAY (completely optional!!), you can send $5 (gift) via PayPal to joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com. This will get you TWO social media entry options! (Facebook, Twitter, Email, GFC, Pinterest, Klout, etc.) The GRAND PRIZE CASH value will be determined when we know how many people are going to participate in that part of the giveaway. The GRAND PRIZE CASH & KAYAK GIVEAWAY will be hosted on Woven By Words and Joy Of Momma Joyner. We ask that you refer your readers to either of those two sites to enter the CASH & KAYAK GIVEAWAY!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mimi at mnjesusfreak@gmail.com or Courtney at joyofmommajoyner@gmail.com
We are going to have a great Celebration of being Made In America! Join in the FUN! Sign up soon! Your spot on the Linky will be determined by when you sign up! Please, DON'T FORGET... Once you have your Made In America post up, please fill out THIS FORM and put the link to your post in the form!
*Please fell free to use any and all information in this post in your own post.*
Hello Single Lady
So, can you tell a difference?
No, I didn't get my hair cut. Wish I would've lost weight, but that bowl of ice cream and hot fudge won't help. And negatory on me wearing a new shirt!
Now, I realize people take this differently. Some people are saddened by any thoughts of divorce. Some people actually have a divorce party. Others, like me, it's just another day in the neighborhood.
I have to admit. I'm pretty happy and excited. The world is my oyster. Yes, it always has been, but there's been an Eeyore cloud hanging over me for years. This cord to my ex has now been severed and I can move on. It's been a long 5 yrs. Hopefully people can remember that when I tell them, "Hooray I'm finally divorced."
Most people that I know in the flesh know my story. Of course they wish we could've worked things out. I guess in a perfect world, who wouldn't. Then again, in a perfect world, I never would've had a reason to get divorced.
The judge...let's just say, she wasn't what I expected. Don't we all have preconceived notions on how things will probably be? Going to court, probably going to be a somber experience. No one really goes to court for fun and exciting things. Well, not in this court room.
Our judge, she was kind of laid back. Brought in her green reusable coffee travel mug. Used the wrong names a few times and just laughed about it. She started reading through our info, realizing where we got married and asked us if we ever went to this one restaurant. She and my ex exchanged a few thoughts about the restaurant and we kept moving forward.
She asked us all the questions she'd asked of the couples before us. Somehow or another we got back on the topic of the town we got married in and the lake the judge's family lives on. Turns out it's the same one the ex's family has a place on. Then they were talking about the 4th of July parade and the boat parade on the lake.
Oy vey, was that really happening? I made eye contact with my friend and just laughed and plopped my head on the table. Yes, this is my life. This strange conversation should be expected. At least it was light hearted and not some gloomy and depressing situation.
When it was all said and done, we were divorced in about 15 minutes. I know that if the ex ever wins the lottery or comes into a big inheritance I can never ask for it. I laughed. It's never been about money for me, but I know she has to ask. She did the same to the ex.
I still haven't told my boys we're divorced yet. I wanted them to look back over the last couple of weeks and realize that our lives aren't going to change because a judge signed a piece of paper. They KNEW the divorce was coming, I just didn't go on and on about it or tell them the exact day.
Kids worry too much as it is and I didn't want this to be something they carried around with them. I think I'll tell them this weekend. We have Spring Break coming up and it'll give them some down time to digest it all.
Have you been divorced? How did you tell your kids? Was the courtroom a drama fest or was it as simple and "interesting" as mine?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Dig Drop Done ~ It's All About Bulbs
I have this thing for bulbs...I love them. I love that if I get the right zone for where I live, they'll come back every year for me to enjoy. I have a fantastic perennial garden and I know spring has arrived once the little green shoots pop through the soil.
Now I've been turned on to Dig Drop Done. It's a really cute and quirky site that will help you and encourage you as you get ready for planting bulbs and taking care of them. Are you a novice and have no idea where to start? Their Ready To Learn menu is the place for you to start.
I've also been looking for some new bulbs to plant. Many of my perennials bloom at the same time. I want an array of flowers and color blooming throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall. I went through their Bulb Browser and sure enough, one of their first drop down menus was "Bloom Time"!!! Perfect, right? Exactly what I needed! It also goes along with their Bulb Calendar that you can find in the Ready to Plant drop down menu. When you click that, it brings up the month we're already in. You can always look ahead to see what you'll need to prepare for next month! Just like they said for March, I'm seeing some sprouts. I need to fertilize! Hadn't even considered that before!
There are great tips from the ladies at Dig Drop Done. I really like Marcy. Her tips, like raking leaves over bulbs in the Fall instead of bagging them is exactly what I do. And I love growing my own tomatoes and she says the perfect time to plant bulbs is when it's time to plant tomatoes!
There's just so much great information at Dig Drop Done. Their Family Fun has great ideas for crafts and decorating. I also want to see what plants do well together. I'm just a "plant on a whim" gardener. It sure would be nice to know what I'm doing for a change. hahahaha Honestly, I think I could get lost on this site! I've found it just in time for planting and growing season! Make sure you check them out so you can get just as hooked as me visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more!
Now, for those of you whose yard leaves much to be desired, make sure you enter the Curbside Chaos contest! Taniya Nayak will come to your yard and help you make over your yard with $5000 if you win! How sweet is that?! My yard could definitely use some assistance! For every share on Twitter, "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." will donate $1.00 to Rebuilding Together!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Lands' End Swim Event Sale & Giveaway
Warm weather has arrived super early here in MN! That has us bringing out the short, tank tops and bathing suits! I am SO in need of a new bathing suit. This is where Lands' End comes into the picture! I'm ready to go shopping!
Through Monday, March 19, enjoy 25% OFF regular-priced swimsuits and accessories from Lands' End! To top it off, order $50 worth of merchandise and shipping is FREE!! Don't you love that word?
Mom Central also has a giveaway just for you!
Plus, enter to win 1 of 3 $100 gift cards to Lands' End!
1. Simply click on:
3. Come back to our contest page www.momcentral.com/lands-end and leave a comment with the link (in the comment box) to that favorite item!
4. You're entered!
5. Want an extra 5 entries? Include your order confirmation number in your comment. (Please note: your confirmation has to be valid and match your full name and address - we will confirm with Lands' End upon selection if you are chosen)
Saint Patrick's Lucky Clover Event
This event is going to be open from 12:01am EST Saturday, March 17, 2012 through 11:59pm EST Friday, March 23, 2012. Don't delay, start entering now! :)
You can see the two companies I worked with for review:
Simple Skincare and Simply Eden
to get an idea of the products you’ll be able to win!
ALSO... Visit either one of the two host blogs linked above and find a CASH GIVEAWAY valued at $80! EASY to enter on a Rafflecopter form!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Simply Eden Review: Lucky Clover Event
Today I received a wonderful smelling treat in the mail! Simply Eden sent me her Pear Grapefruit collection. Let me start off by saying, if Heaven has a fragrance, it will smell like this!
I have been looking at ways to go more organic around our home, and Simply Eden is a perfect start! You can see by visiting Athena’s site that she puts a lot of time into her products. When we connected, she was in the process of receiving goats! LOL How great is that?
I received:
Goat-Milk Lotion
Goat-Milk Body Mousse
Goat-Milk Soap
The lotion came in that really cool stainless steel pump that I’m sure I’ll be able to reuse. The lotion is wonderfully creamy and leaves my hands sooo soft!
The mouse feels exactly like it sounds. It’s also creamy, but in a very light way. I’ll be using this after shower/shaving time. It’s so luxurious!
As for the soap, this bar is huge!! I love it! My son just asked me why I keep smelling it! LOL I’m telling you, it smells fantastic! The swirls and colors make it visually appealing, too. I can NOT wait to try this out with my next shower.I was so excited and impressed with Athena’s Simply Eden product, I purchased:
Great Salt Lake Sea Salt: Jasmine Vanilla Ingredients: Epsom Salt, Great Salt Lake Sea Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt, Goat Milk Powder, Dendric Salt & Essential Oils (grapefruit, petigrain, ylang ylang, lavender, patchouli, jasmine, vanilla).
Lavender Face Soap with Clay Ingredients: Saponified Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, & Rice Bran Oil; Goat Milk, Lavender Essential Oil, & Bentonite Clay.
She will be giving away the same set I received for this review! The giveaway goes live tomorrow morning at 12:01 am!! Make sure to follow her links below to have a jump on it!
About Simply Eden:
“Simply Eden goat milk soap andbath and body products are handmade in Eden, Utah using quality ingredients without the harsh chemicals many store bought products contain.
Having a low pH, goat milk is the ideal skin nourishment due to its mild cleansing and moisturizing properties. Goat milk is packed with vitamins and nutrients, leaving your skin feeling soft and healthy without the dry, stripping sensation from other products.”
You can find Simply Eden:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Simply-Eden-Goat-Milk-Soap-Lotion/146853902023342
Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/SimplyEdenSoap
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/simplyeden/
*I received this set for review. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.
March Extreme Cash Giveaway
There are lots of entries available and this giveaway will go on for a whole month, so take your time! Be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back every day and claim your daily entries too.
This giveaway ends 4/12 at 11:59 pm EST and is open worldwide. You only need to enter the giveaway on one of our blogs. Good luck!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Simple Skincare Review: Lucky Clover Event
Last month I participated in the SheSpeaks Twitter party featuring Simple Skincare. I was really impressed by everything I learned so I knew immediately that I wanted to contact them about the upcoming Lucky Clover event!
If you’ve read previous posts about me trying out different skincare products you know I’ve never done much to take care of my face because my skin is so sensitive I’m afraid I’m going to have a major breakout! It’s been forever, but crazier things have been known to happen.
With that being said, I was actually excited to use the exfoliating facial wipes. I’ve heard that exfoliating is great for your skin. I have to admit, when I’m done with the wipe, my face feels fantastic!
I’ve also been going back and forth between the hydrating and refreshing moisturizer and both have left my skin feeling so smooth and fresh. I apply this after using the exfoliating wipe and my skin feels dry.
I’ve really liked the eye roll-on. My eyes are never puffy, so that’s not a concern, but I hate it if around my eyes look tired. That makes this the perfect thing to put on during my morning routine! And lately, with my crazy schedule, these eyes have needed the help!
“What makes Simple experts in sensitive skin? The Simple brand was born in the UK in 1960 and was the first to create a cleansing product with no perfume and no color. This unique positioning was designed to care for even the most sensitive skin, as these ingredients are common causes of skin irritation.
Today, the Simple brand is the UK's #1 facial skincare range*. Simple has no dyes, artificial perfumes or harsh irritants that can upset your skin. Instead, just our purest possible skin loving ingredients with added vitamins, for natural healthy-looking skin. Offering a skincare range suitable for all skin types - especially sensitive skin – Simple has helped generations of women look and feel beautiful.
* SymphonyIRI non medicated facial skincare (units) 52 w/e 3rd Dec, 2011”
I was sent:
Kind to Skin Exfoliating Facial Wipes
Double-sided wipe gently lifts dead skin cells leaving skin
revived and revitalized
(2) Added Vitamins – Pro-Vitamin B5 and Vitamin E
(1) Skin Loving Ingredient – Aloe Vera
Kind to Eyes Revitalizing Eye Roll-On
Helps reduce the appearance of puffiness and wakes up tired eyes by
instantly cooling and gently massaging the eye area
(1) Added Vitamin – Pro-Vitamin B5
(2) Skin Loving Ingredients – Cucumber Extract and Glycerin
Kind to Skin Replenishing Rich Moisturizer
Offers 12-hours of moisturization
(1) Added Vitamin – Pro-Vitamin B5
(3) Skin Loving Ingredients – Glycerin, Allantoin and Bisabolol
Kind to Skin Hydrating Light Moisturizer
Offers 12-hours of moisturization
(2) Added Vitamins – Pro-Vitamin B5 and Vitamin E
(2) Skin Loving Ingredients – Glycerin and Borage Seed Oil
You can also find them:
I’ll be giving away the Hydrating Light Moisturizer in the Lucky Clover event starting Saturday! Stay tuned for your chance to win!
*I received the items listed above for review. The opinions expressed are my own and are never influenced by the company.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
PicMonkey Now That Picnik Is History
Found out from some blogging friends that there's a new monkey in town!
First of all, go play over there. How else do you make friendly with the natives if you don't hang out and get to know them? Don't want to play with your own photos? No problema. They've already thought of that and gave you THREE of them to try their monkey tools out on!
Start off with your basic tools and then BAM! on the left side of the editing screen are all your extra goodies!!
- Effects
- Touch ups
- Text
- Overlays
- Borders
*This post isn't sponsored by anyone. I just dig their monkey logo and am excited for a new online photo editing tool!!
Spring Mix Up KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway
Mama Chocolate has teamed up with a group of great bloggers to bring you this awesome giveaway!
The KitchenAid Mixer is a workhorse that just about everyone wants in their kitchen!
Use the super easy Rafflecopter form below to enter. Remember to come back every day for the daily tweet entry option to increase your odds of having this beauty delivered to your door!
- Winner chooses style and color, up to $300 value. If the winner prefers a more expensive style/color, they can choose to be given a $300 Amazon gift code to put towards the mixer of their choice.
- Giveaway ends Wednesday, March 28th at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be randomly chosen and notified by email and must reply within 48 hours to claim prize, after which prize is forfeited and a new winner will be drawn.
- This giveaway is entirely sponsored by Mama Chocolate and the participating bloggers.
- KitchenAid and Facebook are in no way associated with this giveaway.
- Please email info@mamachocolateblog.com for any questions concerning this giveaway or problems with entries.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Mirror Mirror at AMC Arbor Lakes, Minnesota Family Four Pack Tickets
You DEFINITELY have to watch this video!! I'm hooked already and can't wait to go see it!!
Check it out now at: http://movies.yahoo.com/ or http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810229911/video/27262555
If you're interested in attending, here's the information:
Monday, March 12, 2012
Women, Children, and Debt
Infographic courtesy of CareOne Debt Relief Services.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Freschetta: Boycott Blah, Fight for Flavor
Date - | February 27, 2012 - March 30, 2012 |
What - | Rally for Real Pizza |
Where - | From the comfort of your own home |
Details - | www.Facebook.com/ |
Join them for a #PizzaRally Live Event from 7-9pm! Tweet along for a chance to win one of 35 prizes! Make sure you check out the details and official rules on their Facebook page!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Remodeling The Kitchen
I might work at a hardware store that encourages us to be Do It Yourselfers, but I’ve never been much of a DIYer! I’ve done minor changes at the house, but nothing on a major scale…until now!
Last week I decided that I was tired of the 80s looking kitchen. I’ve never been a fan of dark wood. I’m our old house, everything was a light colored wood and bright. So, I started looking around at different sites (and pinning them) to get some ideas.I’m definitely going with an off-white for my cupboards. In fact, I’ve already bought the primer, paint and sanding blocks. Yesterday I started wiping down the cupboard doors and frame. I realize it’s just the beginning of March and I won’t be priming and painting quite yet, but I’m excited for the change!
Not only am I going to be redoing the cupboards, I’m going to be working with Rust-Oleum and transforming my countertops! They are a an unappealing gold color! yuck! I’ve lived with them for too long. I’m sure back in the day it was a great color, but not anymore. It just shows how old it truly is!
Now, this was the hard part, deciding which color to go with. Having off-white cupboards I wanted a dark counter, nothing even close to the gold. My three options then were Java Stone, Onyx and Charcoal. I was originally going to go with the Charcoal, but I was afraid the white chips in the counter might clash with the cupboards. I like the Onyx, but is it too black? Then there was the Java Stone which I liked because I kind of want a coffee theme in the kitchen (you know…java? eh, I tried). I thought it might not go well with the off-white, too.
It’s so hard deciding on your own unless you have an eye for this kind of thing, which I don’t!
Then you’ll see the hardware needs to go! I’m thinking I’ll go with a Satin Nickel of some sort. Not 100% on that yet, but thankfully I have time.Above the cupboards is a border that will be gone before you can say, “cheesy”. No, I didn’t put that up there! It was there when we bought the house. That will come down and I’ll probably put some coffee related wording up there…maybe.
Don’t you love how decisive I am?
Ok, what do you think about the color of the counters? I’m really nervous about the Onyx and if you think I should go with the Charcoal or Java Stone I’d like to hear your thoughts!
* I haven’t been compensated for this post. Just me being me!
Kidorable Facebook Artwork Contest
Monday, March 5, 2012
John Carter in Theaters Friday
"Like" JOHN CARTER on Facebook: http://www.facebook.
*I have not been compensated for sharing this information
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Fitness Added To My LIfe: Active 2 and Just Dance 3
I’m not the kind of gal who’s into fitness and working out. It’s just never really been my “thing”. Sure, I’d love to have a personal trainer, who wouldn’t? It’d be awesome to have a membership to a gym, but I kind of stink at going by myself.
So, this past Christmas I asked my mom for one thing… Just Dance 3. I figured, if I liked it, maybe I’d do it enough that it’d count as a work out. I mean, if anything, I’d get my heart rate up, right?
She did what I asked and that’s what I got for Christmas. And it sat in it’s little case for about a month before I even got up the nerve to try it. I actually had my boys try it first just to see how hard it was for them to do it. LOL I know, I’m a coward.
It didn’t seem too complicated so I finally gave it a go. The first few times I failed miserably! I couldn’t figure out all the moves and it turns out I was holding the controller wrong. Listen people, I’m not a gamer. I don’t use these things. One reason I’d like the Xbox 360 with Kinect since it’s hands free.
Doodle and I started doing Just Dance 3 every single day. He’d come home and the first thing he’d do is challenge me to a few dances. Turns out mom isn’t so bad once she figures out how the whole thing works. Yes, I have to admit I get giddy every time I see “Perfect” come up with each move. I’m challenging myself to get a higher score each time. =)
Just recently I did a Twitter party focused on Zumba. Everyone there who had gone to classes just couldn’t say enough good things about it. I decided I needed that. I have always wanted to learn how to move like that and it looks like fun!
Well, while I was shopping for Zumba I came across Active 2 by EASports on sale for $10. I figured, why the heck not try it out. I bought it, tried it out and I’m half way through my first month and I’m on track with every day so far.
About a week ago I upped the intensity because I felt like I just wasn’t working out. Let me be clear. I have upper body strength. Always have, BUT, and this is a big but, I have never had any leg strength and I’m pretty positive there’s no muscle in my gluteus maximus! And to top things off, I’ve had 4 kids which means I have belly flab. No way around that. Needless to say, every time my “trainer” says, “glutes” my 8yr old busts into a fit of giggles!
I didn’t start off 2012 with any goals for the year and no resolutions. This kind of came out of the blue for me. Maybe it’s because of the divorce and wanting to look better all around. I certainly know I want to feel better about myself and this is one way of doing it. I know before when I’ve left a relationship I’ve chopped off all my hair. This time I’m gettin’ this old bod into shape…maybe…if it can figure out there are muscles where the chub is supposed to be!
What I want to know is if you have any toning advice. I would love to have a tone belly, butt and thighs. Anything I should add to what I’m already doing? I need all the help I can get!
*This is not a paid post for any games. It’s just me being me. =)