Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Remodeling The Kitchen

I might work at a hardware store that encourages us to be Do It Yourselfers, but I’ve never been much of a DIYer! I’ve done minor changes at the house, but nothing on a major scale…until now!

Last week I decided that I was tired of the 80s looking kitchen. I’ve never been a fan of dark wood. I’m our old house, everything was a light colored wood and bright. So, I started looking around at different sites (and pinning them) to get some ideas.RemodelI’m definitely going with an off-white for my cupboards. In fact, I’ve already bought the primer, paint and sanding blocks. Yesterday I started wiping down the cupboard doors and frame. I realize it’s just the beginning of March and I won’t be priming and painting quite yet, but I’m excited for the change!RemodelNot only am I going to be redoing the cupboards, I’m going to be working with Rust-Oleum and transforming my countertops! They are a an unappealing gold color! yuck! I’ve lived with them for too long. I’m sure back in the day it was a great color, but not anymore. It just shows how old it truly is!RemodelNow, this was the hard part, deciding which color to go with. Having off-white cupboards I wanted a dark counter, nothing even close to the gold. My three options then were Java Stone, Onyx and Charcoal. I was originally going to go with the Charcoal, but I was afraid the white chips in the counter might clash with the cupboards. I like the Onyx, but is it too black? Then there was the Java Stone which I liked because I kind of want a coffee theme in the kitchen (you know…java? eh, I tried). I thought it might not go well with the off-white, too.

It’s so hard deciding on your own unless you have an eye for this kind of thing, which I don’t!

Then you’ll see the hardware needs to go! I’m thinking I’ll go with a Satin Nickel of some sort. Not 100% on that yet, but thankfully I have time.RemodelAbove the cupboards is a border that will be gone before you can say, “cheesy”. No, I didn’t put that up there! It was there when we bought the house. That will come down and I’ll probably put some coffee related wording up there…maybe.RemodelDon’t you love how decisive I am?

Ok, what do you think about the color of the counters? I’m really nervous about the Onyx and if you think I should go with the Charcoal or Java Stone I’d like to hear your thoughts!

* I haven’t been compensated for this post. Just me being me!


Linda said... 1

I love the color of your cabinets! And it wood! I'd hate to see you paint them. I do see your point with the door handles. I'd try to see is one could find a better design and touch up if the sizes don't match.

Remove the dark border and replace with something lighter. Paint the walls an off white/ivory. You could still do the onyx counter top.

But if you must, I'd go with the Onyx for the counter top. Remove the heavy, dark border. Paint the walls a different color--lighter with a little warmth.

There, that's my opinion. LOL! I love wood-grain cupboards.

Bruce Sallan said... 2

I wanna help...I'll come over when it's done and eat!

Elly Filho said... 3

I agree on a couple of things..
- Im not a fan of dark wood cabinets either I love the off white or white my choice for when i buy a house..
I also agree that - That border has to GO LOL
Now about the counter tops and colors :)
-The Onyx to me does not look good with white cabinets, I've never seen it that way either( I've only seen it with the dark wood cabinets ) so im not sure how it would look :-/
My choice would be the Charcoal counters with the offwhite cabinets :)

Adelina Priddis said... 4

Good luck with your remodel! I am a fan of black and whites together, but the countertops might be too dark with off white cupboards...not really sure on it. We're starting a kitchen remodel here soon too, but we're tearing everything out and starting fresh!

Elizabeth said... 5

Ohh! This must all be so exciting for you. So many decisions but it seems like you know what you want :) Make sure to keep us updated with lots of photos

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