Monday, March 12, 2012

Women, Children, and Debt

Consolidate Debt
I can say as a single mom, this is really true! Once you become a single parent, especially a single mom, life changes drastically and unless you've prepared, you may be asking for more help than you expected. I'm hoping the tide will turn for me in the next couple of years!

Infographic courtesy of CareOne Debt Relief Services.


  1. So true.

    I've been so blessed in this manner in that I actually have less debt than I did when I was married and I had a career to fall back on. Plus, my parents are very generous with my children, but I know I'm in the minority!

  2. The tide WILL turn for doubt!

  3. I am also a single mom and can relate to just how difficult it is to manage on your own without incurring debt. I too am blessed with parents who do all the "spoiling" for my son when I am not able to come up with the cash.
    Join CareOne Debt Relief on Facebook to follow my story and many others :)


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