Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Winter



Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said... 1

We finally got hit with snow as well... and tomorrow will be 60 degrees! Crazy, huh?

Theresa Mahoney said... 2

It will look like that here one day, then the next we are wearing tee shirts. I'm just ready for summer already!

kewkew said... 3

I think I forgot what that white stuff looks like and what it is called. Interesting shot of the tree falling over.

Unknown said... 4

Brrrr!!! It was like 77 or something here yesterday. Don't worry, karma got us today with 75 mph winds.

Danielle @ We Have It All said... 5

Yuk! I am sick of this weather! We actually hit the 60's today and I was so so happy! Had the windows open all day long :)

Grace said... 6

Great photo of the tree bending.
We've had a really unusually warm winter here in Florida that I was surprised to see someone actually had snow.

Bruce Sallan said... 7

What's all that white stuff?

May said... 8

So jealous! Love the tree bending from the weight.

My Bizarre Family said... 9

Thanks for the Linky...I'm a new follower! Awesome pics!

Sabrina B Radke said... 10

Is it summer yet? :)

Veronica Lee said... 11


Sending you lots of warmth from sunny Malaysia, sweetie!

Dee said... 12

Those sure are pretty, but you can definitely keep the snow! :)

LadyD Piano said... 13

Beautiful collage of white winterland!

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said... 14

OH goodness, that poor little tree couldn't handle it!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 15

Wow, so pretty!!

MMAR said... 16

Beautiful Snow... it has been unusually warm here! We haven't even had a good freeze!!

Babes Mami said... 17

I get so jealous when I see snow pictures!

Kelly Bejelly said... 18

I love the snow but man I hate living in it!

Crystal said... 19

So pretty. I miss that

Felicia said... 20

Girl! You guys just keeping getting the snow!

Whitney @ Momma Knows Best said... 21

The snow looks beautiful, Mimi!! I have to say that I'm glad I don't live in it though! It rarely snows here (like, NEVER) so it's exciting when we do get it - but not something I'd wanna deal with a lot!

Unknown said... 22

Nice photos! I feel like we're missing out here in NJ. The weather has been unseasonably warm, not that its a bad thing but I would have loved to see some snow before spring. Oh well!

Thanks so much for linking up with Momma T and Baby E!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 23

We've had no snow at all this winter. This is the first time in the 4 winters I've lived down here that that's happened. It was 80 last week and is supposed to be by the end of this week as well!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.