Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally Used Instagram

I didn't know until last weekend that I could have Instagram on my Droid 2! I hope to get the Razr Maxx next month so a better camera AND Instagram? The heavens have opened. Well, I finally took my first photo at the local elementary school. They were having a celebration for receiving the Award of Excellence. A friend from church snapped the photo of Doodle and me!
It was fun to hang out with him just the two of us, even if it was just for a little while.

Have you Instagrammed yet? What features do you like most? This newbie could use some pointers!


  1. I have it but I rarely use it! You guys are so cute!

  2. I have not and I freely admit that I don't get what makes it so special!

  3. I didn't know it was for Droid too! I am gonna have to dl it on my phone. Love the picture!!

  4. Oh my gosh, what an awesome photo of you both!! Love those smiles!


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