Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fresh Produce Clothing Review

Fresh Produce Logo in Blue I’m so happy Spring arrived early here in Minnesota. The only issue for me is clothing. Everything I have is years old (for the most part) and outdated. They just really shouldn’t be worn in public anymore.

Fresh Produce game me the opportunity to look around their site and update my shirt collection!! Woo Hoo I need all the help I can get, trust me.

They have clothing for pretty much any activity you’ll be doing during these warm Spring and Summer months! I know several people who will be going on cruises this year and Fresh Produce has a great line of Cruise Clothing!

Fresh Produce

I got the BFF top in black and it’s SO comfortable. It fits perfectly and comes in an array of colors! This is one of their newer shirts so I’m excited to have the chance to wear it! I have to admit that I’ve worn it a number of times and I’m sure people are wondering if it’s the only shirt I own these days.

With the warmer weather here, I’m looking forward to having some nice beach clothing to wear! Fresh Produce has a wonderful selection of fun apparel!Fresh Produce ShirtOne of the things I love is that their selection is for ladies of all shapes and sizes. Their models aren’t just skinny women who none of us will ever look like. They’re every day women like you and me! Something I appreciate and can associate with. Makes me more comfortable shopping with them because I can see what someone like ME will look like in their clothes!

Fresh Produce now ships to over 200 countries, so women outside the US can enjoy the colorful styles, too.

*I received my shirt for review. The opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.


  1. You look adorable as always & I really like that whole outfit! I'll have to check out their site, I need some new Summery clothing!

  2. Great choice, and I can see how it would be perfect over and over. Love it!

  3. You look great!! I love that top.. so cute. Thanks for the review.

  4. That shirt looks so good on you! They have a great selection, I love this one:

  5. oh mimi! you look adorable, like usual!

  6. That outfit is super cute! I really need to check them out! I know Im going to need a new wardrobe sooner or later


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