Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shopping At Express

This past Christmas my oldest daughter and I found a love for the clothing retailer Express. Before Christmas I’d never even been in the store. For some reason I’d been sent a coupon and she needed pants for her internship. So, we went shopping.

Oh my gosh, we fell in love with their Editor pants. They fit me like no other slacks have ever fit me. Hello glove, meet my body! I was in heaven! I was jealous, but she got a pair and looked fantastic in them!

I ended up with a black shirt. Really, I couldn’t leave without buying something for myself.

Well, I’ve been trying to slowly add some new clothing to my “wardrobe”. I’m a girl who could live in jeans! Ok, I do live in jeans. I do plan on changing that up a bit. When I met my daughter in the cities we went to the Express store. I’d like to walk out of there with one of everything!IMG_1338I thought it’d be fun to just grab a bunch of clothes and photograph our shopping experience. One thing I’d like to mention is that the photos make me look like I’m about a size 10 (I just don’t photograph well). At Express I wear a 2/4. bwahahaha In real life (other stores) I wear a size 5. Not bad, I know, it just doesn’t reflect in my pictures. =)IMG_1340So, yes, I do adore Express for making me feel like I’m smaller than I am. In the salmon colored shorts, they’re a size 2. ♥♥♥ I also love the length of their pants. I have THE hardest time finding pants that are 5L. I’m 5’8ish and most pants that are “Regular” barely skim my feet. And then I wash them…hey look they’re shorter than the day I bought them.IMG_1341

At Express, their “Regular” are the perfect length for me. I tried on tan Editor pants in 4L and I was swimming in them around the waist and in the length. It’s so nice that they realize not everyone is 5’6 or shorter. I know I can buy them on their website, but honestly, I want to try on clothing for accuracy.

Shorts I want these shorts!

I ended up purchasing the black cardigan the AWESOME guy that works at Express helped me pick out and the jeans I found on the sale rack. And when I say “sale” rack, I mean, I still paid twice what I would normally pay for jeans. Really, how can I pass up jeans that fit me like they were made exactly for my body?

IMG_1351  IMG_1353

Express, i HEART you!

*this is all me, my opinion, etc. Express has nothing to do with my post.


LadyD Piano said... 1

You and your daughter are beautiful! The Editor pants look lovely on you!
Happy Easter!

Diane said... 2

In highschool i could fit into express pants (long) but I kept growing and now even the long is too short for me! I need a 36" inseam. I love express clothes though!

Anonymous said... 3

oooh, love the lace back tee, looks great on you.

Janice said... 4

Glad you find clothes you love! Better to own one pair of jeans you love & want to wear than 3 pairs you don't like.

Melissa Say What? said... 5

Oh, I used to LOVE Express. I bet I still would if I was ready to fork over that kind of dough. Like American Eagle's Artist Jean/Pants, the Editor style from Express is the BOMB. I bet I would fall in love with the Editor pant if I went to the store. You are right, it's worth paying the extra money for the perfect fit. Express has the consistency where after you try them on in store, you CAN buy them online with no surprises! Congrats on your find! (Bonus check coming soon for me.....WINK WINK).

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 6

Look how cute you both are! I haven't shopped at Express in years... maybe I need to check them out again!

I have a similar problem with pant length... I'm 5'6, but I have really long a 34 inch inseam and more often then not, regular is too short and long is too long!

Liz Mays said... 7

You have a smokin' hot body after all those kids? Jealous! I've bought a few things from there, but not in a while. Must take a peek.

Kristin Marriott said... 8

The camera makes you look fabulous, so I don't know what you're talking about! Shopping (and sometimes just trying on fun outfits) is my new favorite thing to do with my middle daughter; we have such a blast and it looks like you two did as well : )

Shabby Chic Mom said... 9

LOOOVE express! they carry my favorite jeans and as soon as I get this baby weight off I'll be back! although my son is 2..oh express how i have missed you!

Carolyn M said... 10

Love love love your clothes! I like to have fun trying on things when I'm feeling good about myself. But right now... eeeeoooo, this after Christmas/Birthday/Easter gain has me saying "Wait on that one gal!" lol Thanks for sharing! You look great!

Clancy Cash Harrison MS, RD, LDN said... 11

Love the editor pants- it looks like you had fun. I also love that orange dress. Great color for some summer fun.

Amy said... 12

i have never shopped there -but... I LOVE THE JEANS u went home with! :D

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