Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss #NaturalBlissWM

About a year ago I became a big coffee drinker. Ok, let me rephrase that. I became a big coffee drinker at home. I’ve always loved grabbing a coffee while out and about, but I never had the desire to make a full pot of coffee. Then my mom bought me a Keurig for my birthday last year.
Natural BlissI’ve enjoyed getting to try all the amazing coffee creamers available on the market. And last week I had the chance to head to Walmart to grab some Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss while I was doing my regular shopping. Cuz you know, I’m there nearly every other day!

It’s always good when I end my day grabbing groceries on my way home from work. It’s nice that I don’t have to go home and come back to town to shop since it’s about 1/2 an hour away from my house.
As always, when I entered Walmart, the greeting lady was there. She’s always so sweet and friendly! And then we start off with one of my favorite parts of the store…Produce!
Coffee-MateBut, let’s not get ahead of ourselves! I went shopping right before Mother’s Day so there were some fantastic goodies right as you walked into the store! Hello baked goods and flowers.

In the past couple of years I’ve stopped making grocery lists. I pretty much know exactly what I’m going to get every single time. My path is same because it’s so simple.

My very favorite section is the Dairy aisle! Doodle’s yogurt, Buddy’s cream cheese, and my milk & creamer! at this point I’ve tried just about all the creamers in the coolers. This was my first time purchasing Natural Bliss which is naturally flavored!

And when I say “natural” it means it only has these ingredients:

nonfat milk
heavy cream
natural flavor

That’s IT!!

When I got to the register, I realized I did my usual and forgot my coupon for the creamer! Ugh, I was so frustrated.

I got the rest of my groceries, including my much needed K-cups, and headed home ready for a cup of coffee to keep my evening going.

I love caramel so I tried that flavor first! It was definitely bliss! I was very pleased with the taste and not to overdo it, tried the other two over the next couple of days!
KeurigThis is really a creamer I’ll continue purchasing. I’m trying to fit healthy into our lives and having a natural coffee creamer helps me out big time. Especially since I’m kind of heavy on the creamer!
Coffee-MateBe sure to check out my entire shopping trip with my Google + story!

Keep up with them on their Facebook Page There’s going to be a Twitter party coming up (day and time TBD) so make sure you follow the #NaturalBlissWM hashtag!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias all opinions are my own.


Unknown said... 1

I just LOVE the caramel. Yum!

LOVE MELISSA:) said... 2

We love Natural Bliss too! It is such a great creamer.

Jack said... 3

I am pretty sure that I help keep Keurig in business. I drink way too much coffee.

Unknown said... 4

Mmm, delicious!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 5

My name is Leigh Anne (actually it's not) and I'm a coffeeholic (really, I am) that's what happens when you let a coffee-roaster into your life. I love Coffee Mate Bliss! I don't feel like I'm messing up a good cup of coffee with artificial crap!

Xenia said... 6

So jealous that I haven't gotten to try the caramel yet, yum!

Your mom rocks for giving you a Keurig... I'm in looooooove with mine! :)

BrettBMartin said... 7

ohhhhhhhhhh, caramel! yummy!! i have a weakness for caramel

i'm doing the twitter party for this next week i hope you can come!

Momma Knows Best said... 8

You had me at caramel ;). Sounds delicious!!

Tree said... 9

I buy CM Natural Bliss creamers all the time.. love them!

Living in La La Land said... 10

I loved the caramel too! It's not a sweet caramel, it's not overwhelming but you can taste the caramel and your coffee too:)

The Penny-Wise Mama said... 11

I'm totally a coffee addict too. :) We like the Natural Bliss Vanilla!

tkharmonic (Terri) said... 12

I'm not a coffee person, but these are also really good in hot chocolate. In the fall, when the nights start getting cooler, and all winter long, I like to drink hot chocolate and vary the flavors.

MAMA BRANDI said... 13

I have to get one of those Keurigs!! The creamer is so yummy!!! I haven't bought coffee out since trying it.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.