Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Butterfly

Check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: Full Time Mama and MI Savings Mama


Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Such pretty photos!!

My Organized Chaos

alicia said...

Very cool. I tried to get a shot like this, but it flew away. lol

yeewittlethings said...

Beautiful!! I've seen those butterflies around our house a lot lately too :)

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

I haven't seen any now that I think of it. Pretty cool how he didn't fly away!

An Apel a Day said...

That's really pretty!

bella said...

Lovely...have you seen their chrysalis? Amazing...

Danielle S said...

So pretty! Thanks for sharing.

Danielle @ Royalegacy

daddy waddy said...

my daughter would love the butterfly. added you through Wordless Wednesday


Daddy Waddy weeviews

momto8 said...

look at the symmetry!

Danielle Harper said...

I love butterflies! I even have a tattoo of one, hehe. Those are really great photos :)

Epic said...

Wow, how pretty! Happy W.W

Felicia said...

Such a great picture you got!

Kristi Bonney said...

Cool! Great captures!

Amy said...

amazing photos! I could never get a butterfly to sit on my hand that long!

Susan Heim said...

My Wordless Wednesday post features butterflies, too! They're so pretty!

Danielle @ We Have It All said...

How in the world did you get that in your hand... AND have your camera at that exact moment?!? What a great shot!

Unknown said...

WOW! great pictures of the butterfly, so cool he stayed on your hand.

Laura Grace Andry said...

What a beautiful picture! I am impressed that you captured it! I would totally have scared off the butterfly with my butterfingers :)

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Beautiful! Can't believe it landed on someone!

Clancy Cash Harrison MS, RD, LDN said...

You take some pretty cool photos yourself!

Unknown said...

Great shot Mimi!! My luck it would fly away

Diane said...

Ive never had one land in my hand before!

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic photos! Wow! Love them ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Unknown said...

Beautiful :)

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

MIMI!! Such GORGEOUS pictures! And thank you so much for adding my link!! I LOVE YOU! ;)

Courtney @ Joy Of Momma Joyner said...

Wow! That's a pretty butterfly! I don't mind when they land on me, but I DO NOT like their cousins the Miller Moth!

Unknown said...

Wow, those are great shots!

Carolyn M said...

Gorgeous butterfly! I wish I knew what a wordless wednesday is... all pictures and no words? That would seem like something needed some explanation... no? Help Mimi! :o)

Courtney Pies said...

Beautiful photos! Makes me want to go back to the one butterfly show that's going on at the Conservatory around here. :)

Amanda @ Coping with Frugality said...

What cool pictures!

debi10kids said...

beautiful shots!
Just gorgeous.

LadyD Piano said...

Great photos! I love them!

Anonymous said...

What amazing pictures! What pretty butterfly!

Unknown said...

We have the most amazing butterfly house here. This reminds me it's time for a visit!

Dee said...

Such a friendly little guy!

ConnieFoggles said...

I've never been able to hold a butterfly. So lucky!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.