Thursday, May 31, 2012

*Yawn* Boys, Keep It Down

I am NOT a morning person. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Well, unless you count staying UP until 2-3 a.m. as being a morning person.

Growing up, I’d stay up super late and get up…super late.

My boys on the other hand, I’m pretty sure they’re up before the rooster. They now wake up before (and the alarm clock) on weekdays. For me, that has maybe happened a handful of times in my life.


BTW I’ve never noticed until now there’s not ‘e’ in snooz on my clock!

Until about 6 months ago, my alarm clock would go off at 7am, I’d hit the snooze button for a bit of extra sleep and then I’d go wake the boys up and get them ready for school. Waking them up was typically pretty easy, too. I’d go in, call their names and they’d get up. There was no wiggling them or glasses of water to the face. Just, “Buddy, time to wake up.”

Alarm ClockThe funny part about this is… it used to be that on school days, waking them up, they’d get up ok, but talk about wanting to keep sleeping and that it was too hard to wake up. Then Saturday and Sunday would come around and they’d be up BEFORE the time they’d get up for school on the weekdays.IMG_2849

Now, my alarm clock goes off, I STILL hit the snooze button, but when I go to wake the boys up, their beds are already empty. They’re either upstairs watching cartoons or playing on the computer. I don’t mind, it gives them time to relax before they head out for a day of learning!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Is your child a morning person? Do they get it from you?


Unknown said... 1

OH I am so not a morning person and neither are my children, they are all grown up now and are a lot better at mornings then me, I mean who said there was more then 1 7 oclock???

Carolyn M said... 2

Shared G+ because I know you are looking for children to the answer of your question. We don't use alarm clocks around here. We wake up whenever we want to.... two retired adults! Yay!

Sage Adderley-Knox said... 3

I never used to be a morning person but I think I am starting to turn into one!

All of my kids wake up early and now, even when I can sleep in, I naturally wake up around 7am *sigh*

Kelly said... 4

That's too funny about your kiddos waking up earlier on the weekends. My little guy was up around 7:30 but I've found the trick of snuggling with him in the morning means we both sleep in another hour.

april said... 5

great post my daughter has an internal alarm clock she wont sleep past 6:30 am.

Jamie Miles said... 6

Now with summer vacation here -- mine all stay up late and wake up late. Next week we will start VBS so they will have to be up by eight. It should be interesting.

Anonymous said... 7

kids have a lot of energy

valued benevolence haiku

KatBouska said... 8

I agree, one of the best part of having early risers is that they're never running late or too tired to drag themselves to school!

Hillary Glaser said... 9

My son LOVES waking up at 6:30am and playing in his crib until we notice he's awake - he gets it from me. Every once in a while, he'll sleep in but he's an early riser and a happy camper in the morning...

Kim Justice said... 10

Wow.. I so know what u mean about not being a morning person.. used to be... but not now!! Health issues don't help. Good luck with the boys....

Tina @ My Highest Self said... 11

I'm definitely a morning person and so are my kids! I like to get things going early and get done early. I lose steam at night :).

Unknown said... 12

My little guy normally beats me out of bed.

Janice said... 13

Maybe you need to put darker curtains in their rooms! LOL! Just kidding, I love morning sleep! It is awesome to be able to sleep in, and I can get so much done staying up at night. To each their own!

KatBouska said... 14

You know what? I just realized you and I have had the funniest banter happening on Twitter about naps at the office. I JUST put two and two together that that person on Twitter is THIS blog. I work for BlogFrog and run their Twitter and Facebook that company you've been chatting it up with was ME! So funny!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 15

My kids are early risers, unless they are overtired, but we have to get up fairly early for school, so I put them to bed early.

Unknown said... 16

I am a morning person. I love to be up before everyone else so I have some quiet time to myself (especially during the summer). One of my boys is an early riser, but the other one will sleep all day if I let him.
I know what you mean though. During school they grumble about how early they have to get up to catch the bus. On the weekends the one is up early. I don't understand it either!

tkharmonic (Terri) said... 17

I'm not a morning person, never have been, never will be.

My son however, gets up with the sun and is more likely to get up earlier on weekends because "I don't have to go to school so I want to make the most of the day".

So he'll probably be up before 7am all summer long. I'm just glad he's old enough to fix his own breakfast now. I'll get up and drag myself to the couch, where I will go back to sleep but "be there" at least in some form, if he needs me for anything.

Unknown said... 18

Luckily Shane likes to sleep in, which is nice since I stay up late. I just hope that doesn't change as he gets older! {Although it probably will!}

Bekki said... 19

My kid is a morning person, and I am not! I'm with you, I'd rather stay up late and get up.....late!!

Liz Mays said... 20

Nobody in my family is a morning person at all!

The Penny-Wise Mama said... 21

I'm not a morning person either! My kids are all early birds though, so I have to get up. It sure is easier once they are old enough to get up and turn the TV on by themselves! LOL :)

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.