Every year over the 4th of July, my boys extended family come up from Illinois. They all head to Great Grams place and hang out for about a week. This has been going on for years…at least since I lived here and that’s been 14+ yrs!
All the cousins get together as well as aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa. It’s some of the best family time we have aside from Christmas. And this is what people do here in Minnesota. They have big family get togethers! Something I wasn’t used to and wouldn’t live without now!
One of the things we have to get creative about is feeding so many people. There can be anywhere from 15 to 20 people up there in a single day for about a week. I took my boys up on Monday and will be going back Friday to get them!
My plan is to bring Tombstone Pizza and Nestle Ice Cream! I know for sure pizza and ice cream will bring some summer fun to everyone!! And that’s really the point, having fun as a family with these reunions!
So, since my boys are going to be gone this week, I figured I’d get a jump on the shopping and get it done before they headed up North to be with the family.
Now, I don’t know if you’re anything like me, but I like shopping solo. I head to Walmart straight from work and pretty much know every single time what I’m going to get. I never use lists anymore. It’s just me and the boys. We pretty much stay the course with what we eat.
I also pretty much live at this Walmart. I think most everyone knows me there by sight. I honestly shop there a few days a week if not more. How can I not when it’s right on my way home!
Since my boys go up to grandma and grandpa’s every 4th of July, I always make sure to buy a gazillion snacks and juice boxes and cereal…etc. There are 8 little cousins running around so there needs to be a plethora of snacks. Even when I buy bags of groceries i feel like it’s not enough.
And trust me, it usually isn’t. Vacations always make people hungrier. So, they typically end up going into town to replace what’s been mowed through after a few days.
I talked to the family when I dropped the boys off and we’ve got it planned to celebrate Buddy’s birthday while we’re up there. Yep, I’m bringing the pizza and Nestle Drumsticks. We’re going to #GrabSummerFun this year with our family!
How about you? What kind of summer fun do you have? Do you have family reunions?
I never did until I moved to MN. I never had cousins or aunts and uncles. Now that we live here, we've had some amazing moments and created wonderful memories with our extended family!
Be sure to Like Drumstick on Facebook and Tombstone Pizza on Facebook! You can also check out my entire shopping trip on Google +!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Nestle #CBias #SocialFabric all opinions are my own and never influenced by the company!
Have fun! I love easy peasy food for parties! It is going to be a hot next few days this will be great for the party1