Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Trip to BlogHer in Photos

So, this was my first BlogHer conference. I'm still decompressing from it all and actually want to be back in NYC! I miss the energy of that city! I'm all about hustle and bustle. Today I'm just going to post a TON of photos from my trip. I know everyone who went is putting up their own posts.

I've also got a couple of brand posts I'm hoping to get done in the next week or so. Not sure how it'll go because my recovery time is unknown. lol I'm still walking around in a bit of a daze.


Top Left: Brett Martin, Amy Myrick, Me, and Laura Grace Andry from our Facebook Group

Top Right: Me at the Hallmark Suite loved this bear!

Bottom Left: Me at the Getting Gorgeous event at the Coldwater Creek Booth

Bottom Right: Free ride in the Dodge Journey! I’ll take it!

BlogHer ladies

THESE photos are why I went to BlogHer…to meet bloggers and people I work with. Connecting was what was in it for me!

Top Left: Megan Broutain and me

Top Right: Courtney Velasquez and me

Bottom Left: Liz from a Nut in a Nutshell

Bottom Right: Heather Smith and me

Me and Amy F

And this awesome lady, Amy Fulcher…I was SO happy to turn around and see her standing right behind me at a party. That stupidly HUGE smile on my face should tell you how thrilled I was. She and I have been Twitter buddies for at least a year if not more.

She blessed me SO much with my necklace. She was making these for people who were ordering them and I wasn’t able to. I know, sad panda, right? Well, the next thing I know, she’s pulling out a gift for me…my very own charm!!! I whipped my necklace off so I could swap out the charms. I LOVED it!! I thought it was going to be a picture of a toaster at first, but alas it was my blog logo. Yah, the toaster is an inside joke!

Thank you Amy for my gift! I love it!!!

At one of the parties I was able to hangout with a fantastic group of bloggers I love!! At the Expo I met with a ton of brands and people. One of the fun things that happened was when we were getting Sam’s car we found out we were across the street from a fire dept and they were just pulling their rig in!! I squealed with delight!! Yes, I was going in for a photo. I’m am definitely cheesy like that! They were good sports! NYC’s finest!

BlogHer Party

Two Left photos: Brian braiding my hair

Top Right: Emily Kahn from The Motherhood

Middle Right: Me, Sam, Amy, and Amanda

Bottom Right: Me and NYC’s Finest Firemen

Everyone I met made this trip WELL worth the insanity of the week!


Liz Parker Kuhn said...

I didn't meet you at BlogHer but I do know Amy Myrick - we're both Michigan bloggers - and I went as a +1 to the Hallmark event ... they had an awesome view from their suite!

Michelle said...

Awesome Photos Mimi!! So glad we got to say hi at BlogHer, even if it was only in the elevator!! I met some fabulous people in there!


tkharmonic (Terri) said...

I'm glad you posted these pictures, you look SO happy, you're glowing!

Janice said...

Love that you had so much fun! I'm considering going to a blogher (maybe blogher food?) next year. We'll see when we finally meet!

Unknown said...

Meeting you for reals was one of the highlights of BlogHer! Now if I could just find a few pictures of me where I wasn't super shiny...I'm from NC! Why was NYC so darn hot? ;)

Pam said...

Yes, I can't believe we slept together for three nights and didn't get a single photo together! Boo and hiss! I did have a great time meeting you though. We will have to be roomies if we get to go to Blogher in Chicago next year.

Julie Kieras said...

Wow sounds like soooo much fun! I was going to go this year but...had a baby instead! Lol love the photos!

Liz Mays said...

You crack me up how you went in for the firemen! Too cute!

Unknown said...

Awww, I miss your pretty face :) And from the looks of your photos, there is SO much I missed while there... firemen? FIREMEN???? {speechless}

Kristin Aquariann said...

What a fun conference! The pendant of your blog logo is adorable. ^.^

♥ aquariann
Featured Photo: Black-eyed Susans

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.