Thursday, August 16, 2012

Saving America’s Mustangs: A Mission

Saving America's MustangsLast week I shared with you the love I have of horses…one that I’ve had since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Today I want to talk to you about Madeleine Picken’s cause Saving America’s Mustangs and her desire to create the Living Monument.

Growing up in Colorado, I used to hear people talking about all the wild horses roaming the state and the auctions they would have with the round ups. My tender horse heart wanted one so desperately!
"Our wild mustang should be a national treasure. The horses have no natural predator. Their only predator is mankind, when we do the wrong thing."- Madeleine Pickens

Madeleine is passionate about her desire to see these beautiful creatures taken care of and she is determined to make the government listen. Our passions can definitely make a difference.
Saving America's Mustangs
"These horses belong here. They’re Federal horses. They belong here." –Madeleine Pickens

You may not believe this, but it wasn’t until I actually got my first horse did I realize they were using wild mustangs in slaughter houses! I was appalled! Were they not paying attention to fact that 110 years ago there were 2 million wild horses and today there are roughly only 30,000! The Bureau of Land Management has recently passed legislation that allows these horses to continue to be slaughtered!

But here’s the interesting part, the BLM doesn’t “own” these mustangs! They simply manage them. These are OUR horses, and they should be protected by us!

So, what is it that you CAN do? Check it out, it’s really easy and makes a difference:

●Contact local legislators to petition for the cause.
○Link to send your State Senator an email
●Contact Nevada legislators to petition for the cause.
○Link to send Harry Reid, (senator NV) email
●Contact Federal legislators to petition for the cause.
○Contact Secretary Salazar (US Secretary of the Interior)
○Contact John Boehner (Speaker of the House)
○Contact President Obama

●Join the Saving America’s Mustangs Facebook page and advertise upcoming
“Tweet Up” date.

○Twitter Party will be on 08/22/12 at 1:00pm EST (RSVP link to follow)

○Facebook Pic Links:BLM Antelope Complex (You can share these photos
with your readers)

●Take action through the Humane Society Link

●Follow along for updates on Twitter

And if my plea for you to get involved doesn’t stir you, maybe a look at your tax dollars “at work” will encourage you to consider getting involved! Nearly $85 million tax dollars are given to ranchers to house these mustangs under living conditions and no one holds them accountable! Madeline at the Mustang Monument could house these horses at almost 4x less the cost and save the American Taxpayer millions each year. Saving our American heritage in the wild mustang while saving money. Sounds like a good combination to me!
Mustang Monument

Runs 08/10/12 through 08/24/12
●Pin for a cause! Join us (08/10/12-08/24/12) for the #SaveAmericasMustangs Party on Pinterest! We're giving away (2) $200 prizes.
●Official Contest Pin Copy Suggestion:
●#SaveAmericasMustangs by spreading the word!
●Pin for a cause and help #SaveAmericasMustangs
●Join the #SaveAmericasMustangs Party August 10- August 24, and you could win one of (2) $200 Grand

■$100 gift card for you
■$100 scholarship to the Saving America’s Mustangs Monument

●Party Rules
1. Create a #SaveAmericasMustangs Pinterest board.
2. Pin the #SaveAmericasMustangs party pin
3. Pin at least 3 images from Saving America's Mustangs (Mustangs, Advocacy, The Monument).
4. Pin at least 3 other photos of mustangs, animal rights advocacy, and western wildlife.5. Submit board link and email to the linky at the RSVP post:

There will also be a twitter party:
The RSVP for the twitter party on 08/22/12 at 1:00pm EST is live.
Here's the link:

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for CollectiveBias™ and Saving America’s Mustangs.  #CBias #SocialFabric all opinions are my own and never influenced by the company.


  1. I was just reading about this somewhere else. I really like that people are stepping up to help!

  2. This is such a great cause. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing Mimi! I love horses and wish I owned one. Mustangs are beautiful horse and saving them for our heritage is a must!


  4. Thanks for sharing this and for pointing out a solution. The majority of the American public is unaware that these magnificent creatures are being slaughtered and abused and that THEY are paying for it!

  5. I am so ticked off to know my tax dollars are being used to slaughter these animals. Thanks for putting this out there so everyone can be aware of it!


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!