Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Back to School

Monday was the first day back to school for my boys who are the the big guys on campus as 4th and 8th graders.
First Day of SchoolBack to School Phineas & Ferb The last photo is because I know things are back to “normal”, in that every day when the boys left for school last year, they left the tv on and I constantly found myself listening to it. lol Who can resist Phineas & Ferb? Be sure to visit Full Time Mama as well!


  1. LOL! I always end up listening to whatever the kids left on on the tv too - and then glancing furtively around to see if anyone saw me : D
    Hope the boys have a wonderful back to school experience!

  2. LOL! I always end up listening to whatever the kids left on on the tv too - and then glancing furtively around to see if anyone saw me : D
    Hope the boys have a wonderful back to school experience!

  3. Ha, that is funny!
    May your boys have a great year of Grade 4 & 8!

    My Organized Chaos

  4. Too funny that their morning tv routine is still the same this year!

  5. I hope the big boys had a great first day! Schools started a few weeks ago down here in the south but we still seem to be struggling to stay on schedule :)

  6. WE absolutely LOVE LOVE Phineas & Ferb over here!!

  7. So you have your sanity back? ;) Never have watched Phineas & Ferb... That good huh?

  8. Great - now I have that theme song in my head, lol. Hope they enjoy being back in school :)

  9. The first day of school is so exciting! LOL about the TV routine, mine do it too!

  10. Phineas and Ferb are just starting in our house. Unlike a lot of kid shows, they are not in the least painful to watch.

  11. HAHA! That's something my 16 year old would do and I would listen too! School time, already! Hubs is a teacher and they start Tuesday. Another year...time flies, doesn't it? :)

  12. I love that - 'back to normal' but still have little bits of them there... so sweet. Sounds familiar too :)

    Thanks for the linky!

  13. What handsome young men! I still can't believe my oldest just started school.... do you still get teary eyed each year or are ya ready to ship em back to school? Hehe.

  14. I find myself still watching their shows when they aren't around all the time too. lol

    Do they still go to the same school with those grade differences?

  15. They are looking great! Yes, Graham has a new love for that show now as well!


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