Monday, September 3, 2012

One Nine Five Clutch Handbag Review

195 clutch 3
When I was planning on heading to BlogHer I knew there were a couple events I wanted to dress up for. Only problem? I had nothing to wear that would fit the bill. I’ve lived in jeans for years and years. I think I had one dress.

I went shopping and picked up a couple of dresses and even bought a pair of heels. lol Crazy, right? I kind of enjoyed them. So did Buddy. Found him trying to walk in them a couple of times. HA!

One of the things I did have a hard time finding was a purse. I had no idea what to look for as all I’d ever had was some non-descript purse. I’m not a purse person. The one I have now is what Doodle gave me almost 2 yrs ago that he got at the elementary school sale that someone donated. lol I love it actually.
Somehow I ran across 195 and instantly fell in love with this 122R Clutch Luxury Handbag. I knew it would be perfect with both of my dresses.

195 Clutch
The only problem? it didn’t show up before I left for NY. I was SO bummed.

Thankfully, a couple days after I got home I was invited to a really swanky restaurant and got to wear my red dress and use my new clutch. I didn’t know how I was going to fit everything in that I felt I had to take with me. These things always look so small. lol

I met a small group of ladies from Collective Bias for dinner at Crave in St. Louis Park. We were sitting around talking when all of a sudden the lights went super dim. I was looking around wondering what happened and I guess at a certain time of night they dim the lights for ambiance. Only problem was, I had to give my clutch to my girlfriend to take a picture! Thanks Chrysa!
Crave Clutch
I was completely surprised at what all fit in there with tons of room to spare! Not only did I have the large space, there was a small zipped pocket that was able to hold what was needed.

Here’s a bit more about One Nine Five:

Why 195?

Since our products are manufactured mainly from tires, our name evokes the memory of the first set ever used in the conception of these handbags. Our brand was born from the three parameters contained in the tire serial process: Width of the tire, the height-to-width ratio, and the rim diameter; which in the case of the first ensemble, the serial was: 195/60R/14, and from there on the brand was crowned: 195, The Handbag Company.

Our Miami-based company, collects this type of tires, tractor and motorcycle tires as well, in order to manufacture our creations. All of our items are hand-sewn and biodegradable yarns are used to sow them. We also use ecological leather to enhance our brand’s values.

Inspired from a mix of Italian, American and Latin culture, ONE NINE FIVE aims to translate through its designs a fresh blend of cultures, ideals and fashions.
One Nine Five In Clutch
So, with my love of cars, this handbag fit in perfectly with my style. It’s fashionable, environmentally friendly, and gorgeous. This will be the handbag you’ll find me using at every event that has me dressing up! I’m hoping to have more of those as time goes on!

Can you see what all I have in this?
  • Full set of car keys
  • Mascara
  • Lip gloss
  • Checkbook
  • Cell phone
  • Back up battery
  • Cash & ID
I definitely had room to spare above the lip gloss and mascara. I have a pair of slippers to slide on when my feet are dying from heels. I knew this time I wouldn’t be on my feet long so I didn’t put them in, but they would’ve fit in that little spot!
One Nine Five Open
This is an absolutely gorgeous clutch. I am hoping, now that I’m getting back into the swing of things, to have the chance to put this accessory to a lot of use. It fits so comfortably in my hands and is easy to carry around. Very light weight and elegant.
195 Clutch 4
Ok, so I’ve never been able to be so “la ti da” until I owned the 122R because one of the awesome features of their handbags is they’re numbered 001-195. As you can see, mine has been authenticated with the handwritten number of 7. This will be tucked away for safe keeping inside the zippered part of the clutch. Check out their Creative Process to see how each one is made.

Be sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all their latest news and updates! Visit their site because you will find a handbag that’s just your style!

*I received my clutch for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.


  1. very pretty, both you and the purse. actually, i dont really have a purse i am happy with. i find them to be less spacious as compared to handbags as i tend to carry more than i should. lol.
    am still on the lookout for the perfect purse though. maybe if i carried lesser things, it'd be easier to find me a purse ?

  2. For a clutch, you're quite right. That is delightfully roomy and so cute!

  3. Wow girl, you look fantastic! Love your clutch too. I'm not a purse girl either so it would be hard for me to find something I liked. I should check out 195, I had no idea they made purses out of tires, that's so cool!

    Thanks for the great review!

  4. Mimi you look great in that red dress and black clutch! I'd love to have both, actually... they're my team's colors!! :)

    It seems like you could actually fit a good bit in the clutch which is also a plus!

  5. That is a great clutch!! You look fab too! Thanks for the review.

  6. Beautiful! You, the dress, and the clutch. I'm kind of a girly girl!

  7. that clutch is darling- and it fits a ton! my clutches are always so small i have to just shove my license and cash in loose and i hate it. sigh.

  8. That was a great dinner! You look fabulous and the clutch is amazing too!


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