We finally used the shaver he got for Christmas. Needless to say I was pretty nervous! lol
Be sure to stop by Full Time Mama, too!
We finally used the shaver he got for Christmas. Needless to say I was pretty nervous! lol
Be sure to stop by Full Time Mama, too!
A few days ago I was asking you about how you trust after you’ve been hurt. How hard it is to not fear that same stuff could happen again.
Funny thing happened during and right after that. Everywhere I turned I heard a message about not fearing. When I was searching for images to share from Pinterest with the last post there was an acronym about FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
The next morning I had an email that was forwarded to me from Fred. It was entitled “What Does God Want From Me?” It talked about how we want to change and we’re focused on ourselves, not on Christ, the only one who will bring us sanctification. And we will only be sanctified when we stand before Him.
As Fred and I discussed this, I kept telling him I wanted to be done. I was sick of living in fear. It’s amazing how much lack of trust will affect a relationship! And not just with him, with various people. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is and how it can overwhelm me at times.
The next morning I was reading in Romans and it talks about how we’re stubborn (Chapter 2) and refuse to turn away from our sin. In verse 15 it talks about the Gentiles demonstrating that God’s law was written on their hearts. And it made me think about my heart. What is written on my heart? I know God’s law is written there, but what’s happened to it?
It seems like it’s become dusty, faded. I “know” God’s laws and what he expects, but does the life I live show whether or not what’s in my head is also written on my heart. When it comes to fear, or lack of trust, I know in my head that I have victory in Christ, but I don’t always live it out through my heart.
I can get defensive, worried, angry, and offensive. Some days I want to build a wall to protect myself and other days, oh man, I come blazing a trail taking out anyone in my path. Fight or flight. One of those always seems to be occurring in reaction to fear.
But here’s the thing…oh wait…forgot one more reminder (hold please)
I was listening to the radio. KTIS was streaming and all of a sudden after a song the DJ started talking…about fear. And she talked about how fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. It was truly at that moment that I felt like God said to me, “Are you really ready to be done?” It was if for a moment I COULD see the forest through the trees! I was seriously hating the affect fear had on my life, at what it has stolen from me.
So that’s the “thing”. I have a choice to make. I can choose to allow the bombardment of thoughts to produce fear in my life or I can use Christ as my shield and say “No! That is it! I’ve had enough!” And that’s precisely where I want to stay.
Will I? Probably not all of the time because I have to honestly say, when I get upset or concerned, I usually have good reason (in my mind). Something has occurred (or sometimes hasn’t occurred) that causes doubt and mistrust to come into my mind. Where someone might respond, “oh no problem,” I respond, “huh, ok,” and in my mind I start to think up reasons why whatever just happened, happened. Is there some dishonest motivation behind it? What am I not being told? And if they aren’t being truthful, how much power does that give them over me for the next time. And that’s only the tip of what runs through my brain.
But I want to be done with that. Reading what I do with myself mentally, don’t you get a sense of exhaustion and anxiety? Maybe not, but I sure do. Imagine if you will, me accepting something at face value. Not reading into it or churning it in my brain until I explode. Just think of how peaceful it would be to be in that moment where I decide out-right to turn it over to God. “Here, have it. You know exactly what’s going on. Whether now or later (sometimes much later) you will deal with whoever it is in your perfect judgment if they need to be dealt with.” I can just sense so much victory, and peace that would go along with letting go.
And this doesn’t just deal with fear. It can be about anything you have going on in your life that turns you away from Christ and the peace he brings. If you ever get into this place like I do, what brings you out of it? Where do you find hope and peace?
Truly, we are victors in Christ if we know him. We are his children. Who could love us more and want the best for us? Find your rest, peace and hope in him. That’s what I’ll be trying to do!
*photo courtesy of Sean Smith, Campbell River, British Columbia
That’s my question for you.
When your past has pretty much sucked with the opposite sex, how do you recover? How do you start to build trust again? Where do you start?
I figure one foot in front of the other is the obvious way to go. But I’ve been there before. I’ve put myself out there, given an inch when I’ve been told how much I can trust someone and they’ve gone and taken a mile.
I’ve met someone and I’m proceeding very cautiously. I have moments where I believe this man wouldn’t say a thing to me that would be dishonest. I mean, it’s just the way he seems to be. But then things happen. Little things that get my mind whirling. My thoughts go back to what I believe to be true about men, at least 99% of the men who have been in my life and my thoughts become, “he’s probably just like them.”
Now, I know a few things that are for sure even in the midst of this. One, if God is for me who can be against me? Yea, this guy could end up being the biggest liar of them all, but you know what? God is in control. I just have to keep my eyes and my heart focused on him. If I allow God to lead, then I’m in good hands!
The next thing I know is that Satan would like nothing better than to destroy a good thing. I say a “good thing” because I believe it to be true even in the midst of my fear of trusting. I believe Satan is a thief and a liar. He seeks to destroy anything that is good. Fred wants to be a church planter and should be finished with school by the end of the year. Depending on what the future holds, if we are together, then Satan won’t want us doing the work of the Lord. What better way to destroy it than to do it before it gets off the ground?
Source: piccsy.com via Kristen on Pinterest
It’s not easy to say the least. When you’ve gone through what I have with my father having affairs throughout my life, boyfriends who cheated, an ex who left because he couldn’t handle life, and my current ex who made choices that will leave a lasting affect on me and my kids…well, and everyone else who knows him. Needless to say, men haven’t had the best influence in my life.
So, how do we recover from a life that has been filled with lies and deceit? How do we move past that to full trust? How do we give an inch without protecting that mile?
I know the only way I’m going to be able to do it is to rely on God, fully and completely. I won’t be able to do this on my own. Ask Fred. He knows of my struggles because he talks to me daily and he knows when I’m struggling. Of course, it’s hard for him because he has to figure out how to help me trust him.
Source: facebook.com via Jessi on Pinterest
Days like today. He did one thing, I expected another (sort of). When it didn’t go how I’d thought, my mind started wondering why. All these things come feeding into my brain and the thing is, Satan knows me so well, he knows how to make things seem. All day I’ve just asked God to take these thoughts away from me. Thankfully I’ve had peace here and there throughout the day, as long as I didn’t think about the morning.
I have so much to learn about being in a healthy relationship. Fred and I bring things from our pasts that aren’t going to be easy to get through, but we’re attempting to do it together. Emptying our baggage one piece at a time. While he seems to have only brought a carry on, it appears I’ve got the entire line of Samsonite with me!
Have you had trust broken before? How do you not allow it to affect your future. And if it does, how do you get through it?
I have been recycling for years. I’ve taught my boys about recycling and Buddy is the one who would separate it every week before he put it all out at the curb. We recycled aluminum, cardboard, glass and plastic. Now we don’t recycle…at all and it’s killing me.
Source: facebook.com via Andrea on Pinterest
My parents just throw everything away! ACK! Can you believe it?! The first time I broke down a cereal box and put it in the garbage can I cringed. They don’t have curbside pick up and weekly take their garbage to the dump.
Recycling is really important to me because it’s just one of the small ways I can help take care of the resources we have and use. So, somehow, I have to figure out how to make it important to my parent as well. My dad was complaining about how the garbage fills up so fast and I mentioned that our garbage could take a week to fill up when my boys and I lived in MN.
That’s when it dawned on me how much our recycling made a difference! We could go an entire week without filling up our garbage and the recycling was put to good use!
For me, we used to just have a couple of brown bags next to our garbage can that we’d fill up (sometimes to overflowing), but I know my parents wouldn’t go for that so I need to come up with something a bit more their “style”. None of those blue recycling totes sitting in the house. lol That would go over like a lead balloon.
I need to come up with something more to fit their décor. I was thinking something like this:
I would have it smaller and probably have 3 of them sitting behind the counter because it would probably be a bit more manageable and less noticeable to company. Then every week my son could do his chore again and help out his grandpa.
Now, I know it’ll be a while before my parents get the idea of recycling, but at least my boys and I can go back to making a difference and be an example of taking care of this world we’ve been given.
Have you ever had to teach someone about recycling? Do you recycle? Any suggestions on how to get my parents involved or at least ok with bringing in some recycling bins?
PS I’ve got two brown bags sitting where that box is in the above photo. At least my boys and I can start recycling. We’ll see if anyone else plays along. =)
Thanks to Debi from Who Says 8 Is Enough, who found a cute pin on Pinterest, I finally decided to do a craft. Now, I’m not crafty, so I asked her for directions. Bless her heart, she was kind enough to make them for me!
Did I mention I had no craft supplies here? I got to go shopping for a few things! I’ll admit right now, I have never in my life used Modge Podge. Man, does that stuff stink! I do like the results though!
I was going to spell LOVE just like Debi did, but man, my stinkin' budget (if you even can call it that) left me with less letters to choose from. lol So I only did two "f" and "m". I walked around the scrapbooking paper for about 10 minutes trying to decide on two papers to use. When I used scrapbooked it seemed like we had more choices.
As soon as I got home I totally went to town. Well, after I pulled up Debi's instructions again! I was so excited it seemed I couldn't remember everything to do!
1. I painted around the trim of the canvas with the black acrylic paint
2. Painted the letters with the same black paint
3. Next I brushed Modge Podge on to the canvas and applied the paper I had cut to fit it (it's not perfect so don't look closely)
4. After that was given ample time to dry (I didn't smooth it out perfectly) I Modge Podged over the paper! I had no idea it would come out so glossy! It was awesome. I tried "painting" down the paper trim as I went around the entire thing with the Modge Podge. Most of it stayed bent over the sides.
5. After I let that all dry overnight, I glued on the wooden letters with tacky glue. The "f" I got was pretty small compared to the "m" and couldn't figure out the best way to do it. I decided to go the route of angling the letters. Yay me!
That's it. My very first DIY craft. I'm excited to use them!! Now, let's just hope the paper...and letters stay on. =)
Now that we live in Virginia, I say that it’s time my boys and I start to get familiar with the surrounding area! I have no doubt there is a ton of stuff to do here, but I have no idea what.
And, Virginia is surrounded by a lot of other states: Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, West Virginia, and even out towards Pennsylvania, possibly even Ohio! Many of these places can be visited within 4-6 hours which means traveling there for the weekend is completely doable!
Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
So, what will I be bringing you?
I’ll have locations for couples, for families, travel gear and dining. There are just so many opportunities out there, I’m excited to find them for you! Keep your eyes peeled because once the weather starts to get warm, I’ll share our experiences!
If you have any suggestions for where I should visit around here, I’d love to hear from you. Also if you live in the OH area, be sure to visit Andersons Angels because she’s the one who got the ball rolling for me!
Are you a company who would like to work with me? Drop me a line at wovenbywords @ gmail . com and we’ll talk about how we can partner together!
Have you ever thought how you don’t realize how much you need something until you need it? I have my cell phone. It’s a smartphone (which can be rather dumb sometimes). I know that I’m probably not using it to it’s fullest potential because I don’t even know what that potential is!
So, I have the option of talking to friends who have the same kind of phone as me or I can go to people who know all the tips and tricks I could need to utilize this phone to the maximum potential.
When the boys and I headed to my brother-in-law’s a couple weekends ago, I swung by Best Buy. Have you been to one lately? Smack dab in the middle of the store is the Solution Center. I had never used them before and quite honestly, really had no clue what purpose they served. lol I figured they helped people, but with what I didn’t know. I mean, they have the Geek Squad for help, right?
This Geek Squad Solution Center has all kinds of cool stuff. You can go online, like I did, and schedule yourself to take a technology class or a 1:1 consultation. Depending on your location your class options are:
The entire process for signing up was super easy! I picked where I lived, the closest Best Buy that had the classes (because not all do yet), told them what I was hoping for out of the session and then I got a confirmation. Simple. Now, the only thing I didn’t care for was the hours to choose from. For each class there’s only one time available. So, if I wanted to take the App class and it was only at 8pm I’d probably opt to do a different class, which is exactly what I ended up doing. I’m hoping that as this expands they’ll have several time slots available for each class.
When I got to my Best Buy, they had an Apple class going. As I was waiting to find out who was going to work with me, I listened in to what he was teaching his group. I’d say there were about 5 people getting a half our instruction on how to use their iPads. It was really cool.
I had only scheduled my meeting a couple of days before my appointment and somehow I had gotten lost in the shuffle. Kind of a bummer at first because I thought I was going to have to go back, but then they got me TWO Geek Squad guys to give me one on one assistance! Booyah!
One thing I have been wanting to figure out if I can do is screen shot my phone. I know that my time was supposed to be sent with them teaching me about the latest and greatest apps, and I knew we’d get to that, but I really wanted to find out how to screen shot things!
He showed me lickety split and showed me how easy it was to do! lol Hold down the power button and down volume button for about 3 seconds and SNAP! I could’ve left right then. But, I had other questions!
My phone came with apps that I will never use. I like watching football, but I don’t want to play it on my phone and neither do my boys. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a way to delete the apps that came with the phone. Oh well.
Then, we got down to what they were going to show me, the latest greatest apps I had to have for my phone!
The first thing they showed me was how to to navigate through the Play Store better! I had NO idea that I could scroll right and find lists of the Top Paid (scroll right), Top Free (scroll right), Top Grossing (scroll right), Top New Paid (scroll right), Top New Free (scroll right), and Trending (the end). What I found very interesting, and was thrilled they pointed it out was in the Top Grossing, even if the app is free, when you’re inside the game, you have the option to pay for things as you can go, so even if the app is free, the game can cost you plenty!
Good to know. Those will be the games we do NOT download. lol I could just see my boys accidentally buying all kinds of crazy stuff!
They also went on to show me some of the new games everyone is talking about. One game Doodle had already gotten was Temple Run 2. A few others were mentioned and we flipped through the apps to find they weren’t available on Android yet.
These Geek Squad Solution Center guys were extremely knowledgeable and I have to admit I was pretty impressed! You never know what you’re going to get sometimes. Not only did I get a basic answer, they backed up what they knew with detailed information! It was a fantastic experience and I can guarantee you one thing…one day (what an annoying phrase) I’m going to have a tablet and when I do, I’m going to the Solution Center and they’re going to teach me how to use it from the start!
I have to tell you, all of my experiences lately with Best Buy have totally rocked! I had no idea what a wealth of information and support they are. I always just saw them as a store to buy electronics at! Needless to say, my eyes have been opened!
I have has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.