Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Rainbow



So thankful for the promise and reminder God has given us with rainbows!

Be sure to visit Full Time Mama for Wordless Wednesday!


Unknown said... 1

Beautiful. Everyone sees a rainbow. I see God's promise to never destroy the Earth with water again. Rainbows always bring back the vacation Bible School stories and crafts! Thank you Mimi!

Unknown said... 2


Unknown said... 3

What an awesome shot! &Now I have Somewhere Over the Rainbow stuck in my head.

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 4

I live in an area that seems really prone to them. We get several on our horizon every year. They do make me smile and bring a sense of peace.

Hope all is well!

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said... 5

So pretty! To think you'd still be buried by snow if you were back in MN lol

Liz Mays said... 6

Wow, what a gigantic arch!

Amy said... 7

Such a beautiful reminder! I haven't seen a rainbow here in nearly forever! Beautiful!

Danielle Harper said... 8

I love rainbows. Great shots.

Unknown said... 9

Beautiful. Looks like a nice little storm you got there. I love rain storms!!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 10

Gorgeous, LOVE it! I always think about that when I see the rainbows, and always ask my kids what the rainbow means. I know they know it's coming now. lol

Laura Grace Andry said... 11

Somewhere- Over the rainbow...Okay. I will be singing this song all day now!

Anonymous said... 12

Great shots! I LOVE rainbows, it just reminds me of God and the floods.

Sarah Riffle said... 13

Wow! Beautiful photos!!!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.