My youngest son is a crazy fan of Tyson Chicken Nuggets. Always has been. We typically got them at the regular grocery store, but since I renewed my Sam’s Club membership we’re able to get the 5lb bags! He’s a happy camper to say the least.
This will be a very humbling post to write, but one that is a part of why this campaign means a lot to me. My kids and I have had hard times before and there have been days here and there throughout the course of the last 6-7 yrs where I was concerned about putting food on the table. Thankfully, they’ve never had to go hungry, and we’ve been blessed by our church and friends so that we’ve had food in our cupboards and on the table.
I also want my kids to understand what it means to give back or to pay it forward. They’ve been helped out, even though they have no idea about that completely, and, so it’s important that they learn the importance of helping others in need. I think they can relate more to helping kids since that’s who they have been before. I buffer my kids to a degree, but I don’t completely shield them. It would be a disservice if I did that.
Tyson Foods will donate a meal (4oz of protein) through Champions for Kids for every bag of nuggets sold at Sam's Club from August 17 to August 31, 2013 (up to 308,000 meals). So, since Fred has a brand new shiny, big fridge at his house, we’re going to have a shove a couple of bags into the freezer! =) Heck, between his kids and my kids, I have no doubt we could easily chow through them. It’ll be an investment into our meals as well as for other children, and that’s the most important part!
It is going to be a topic the boys and I will continue to revisit because it’s important for us to be part of doing something good, especially if it involves chicken nuggets. =)
Be sure to visit Sam’s Club this coming weekend to get some of your own taste testing done at their demo and check out our time there, too!
*statistic found at Tyson Hunger Relief