Monday, April 21, 2014

He’s Infiltrated My Life

Have you ever spent so much time with someone that they’ve infiltrated your life before you know it?

The last couple of days I realized how much Fred has woven his way into my life. Probably more than any other man ever has.


Tonight for dinner, mom made steak. If you’ve never tried Fred’s grilled steak, you haven’t lived. He’s so great at grilling. He’s a great cook. He also loves asparagus and corn. I always feel bad because he’s always cooking for us. I’m not sure if he doesn’t like my cooking or if he just enjoys doing it himself. I definitely luck out no matter what.


I went into Whole Foods to pick up a gift card for my brother’s girlfriend. Whole Foods is Fred. The only reason I ever went into one was because of him. It’s where he worked when I met him.

The house I’m currently living in was the house he rented before we moved in. It’s where I got to know him. It’s where we began building our relational time together.

He’s such a nerd. lol In a good way. He likes the corniest things, says stuff that everyone else would, and his dancing? Don’t even get me started. His whistle causes second glances. His jokes make you roll your eyes. And you know what, he doesn’t care in the slightest what people think of his nerdiness. More power to him.

His hands. I have always loved his hands. His fingers are so long and his hand totally engulfs mine. I look like a two year old hand next to his. And he chews his nails down to nothing. Watching a movie and seeing a man’s hands remind me of his hands. When we drive in a car, he always holds my hand.


The scruff of his face. I love it when he has a day or two of facial hair. I can’t pass another man and not think about Fred’s face.

Do you ever watch a movie, a romance, and when the man looks at the woman, when he’s fallen in love with her, that look he gives…that’s how Fred has looked at me. Romance movies won’t ever measure up to how he looks at me. I remember clear as day after we’d had a family day together. He was wearing his black jacket, sitting between his kids, chin propped on his hands, watching me. Loving me with his eyes. The look he gave was melt worthy.

Seafood. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met another person who loves seafood as much as him. It’s amazing to watch him chow down a platter of various seafood. How could I ever look at another menu and not think of him when I saw surf & turf?


Music. Ok, now, I have to say, in my day to day life, I wouldn’t have much of a reminder of Fred’s music, but I tell you what, he’s got the craziest taste in music. He’s got this massive CD binder in his car that’s always threatening to land in my lap. Daniel Amos, Swirling Eddies, V. Rose, Lecrae, and this list goes on. Christian artists I’d never heard of and ones I’d never choose to play on my own, but he’s got them all. He loves them. He can’t tell you my birthday, but he can tell you when a band got together, where each of the members are from, how long they were a band and where they went off to after the band broke up.

Then there’s his Prius. This large man folding himself up daily into it and loving it. hahahaha Here I am, wanting some Ford F350 on steroids and dear, lovely Fred, happy as a clam in his hybrid. We all give him a hard time about it and he doesn’t care. He loves his car. Yes, it gets great gas mileage. That’s the only thing I’ll concede.

Waking up and going to bed. Fred is my first and my last. When I start my day 99% of the time it’s to a text that says, “good morning. love you.” He’s also usually the last person I have contact with before I go to bed with “gn. love you.”

He’s intertwined his life into mine. There’s not one part he hasn’t touched. Isn’t it amazing how one person can do that?

Have you ever had someone so deeply involved in your every day life?


  1. It is amazing. It is called LOVE! We open the door and invite it in. We are vulnerable to both the amazing and not so amazing. I'll take the not so amazing for those AMAZING moments like you mentioned! :)

  2. Aww freaking awesome to read your Fred muse! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were sharing another not so happy story. Ain't love grand? suits you. Love ya girl ;0)


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