As I’m reading this book, the Love Dare, I wish I could share every little nugget here with you. There’s so much relational wisdom and understanding. Today is about love being thoughtful.
I remember when Fred and I first met. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was always on my mind. You know what though? That hasn’t changed. Not even in the slightest. I wake up and my first thought is about him. I think about him throughout the day and my last thought is usually about him.
He and I are in a relationship. We’re not married, but we began dating with marriage in mind. He started off by calling it our “one day”. Ladies, aren’t we always giddy when our men are the ones who bring up things of love and the future? Once you’re in that relationship, you have to remember, “…if your thinking doesn’t mature enough to constantly include this person, you catch yourself being surprised rather than being thoughtful.”
Now I have to say that because of my love for Fred and my heart wants to be with him all of the time, I try to always include him in everything. If he’s busy during his work day, I try to be considerate and not interrupt. I wait for him to text me or Skype me letting me know he’s available. Other than that, I always want him around. He knows this. I ask him for it regularly.
Not only that, I try not to make him read my mind. There are times when I want him to “figure it out”, for him to read through the lines, but for the most part, I tell him exactly what I want or need, especially in regards to our relationship. After I do spell it out for him, I wait and give him opportunity.
Another part to being thoughtful is how I communicate. I can be a rather intense person when I’m trying to get my thoughts and emotions shared. Being thoughtful of my relationship with Fred, I need to think so much more before I open my mouth and let the bullets fly. Even when I think I’m justified in what I’m saying, even if it’s “right”, I have to be thoughtful of our relationship. THIS will be extremely hard for me. I don’t do well AT. ALL. holding things back.
I have so much room to grow it isn’t funny!
So, for Day 4, we’re supposed to contact our sweetheart with no agenda and see what need we can fill, what can we do for them.
I kind of had an idea of what I could do for him already, something that was tangible and helpful. With his new business he has a Twitter account that was suspended from being used. I wasn’t sure if he’d had time to get it figured out and if he hadn’t I was going to get it fixed for him.
Sure enough, he hadn’t gotten it fixed and I asked him if he’d like me to do some work with it. Thankfully he accepted my help! It really felt so good to be able to do something like this for him since he’s just getting his business started. I want to help him succeed. To come along side him and encourage him and assist him whenever I can.
I tell you what, being thoughtful doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. It does take consideration and effort. And if you love the person you want or are spending your life with, they should be totally worth it.
How has your loved one seen your thoughtfulness in action lately?
I think it is so great that you are doing this before you are married. Great preparation for marriage!