I’m not sure about you, but I don’t always have a lot of energy. I don’t usually go about my daily tasks with a lot of energy. I would imagine if I did I’d get a lot more done. Typically I drag myself through any daily tasks that need to get done. Of course, that’s when I get around to them.
Today’s verse, in my Transformation Study Bible says,
“She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.”
Ok, I’ll be honest here. I’m not a fan of household chores. I would rather be outside mucking out a barn stall, pulling weeds in my garden or mowing the lawn. Vacuuming, dusting, dishes, laundry etc. aren’t at the top of my “exciting” list. In fact, just the opposite. I tend to put them off as long as possible. I know, not ideal, and not very beneficial to my family.
I have a ton of room for growth in the area of going about my tasks with energy.
Now, you can see the difference in the wording of the verses, but also similar. She works vigorously or energetically. Can you picture in your mind, what it looks like to work that way in your tasks?
I think again, we go back to where our heart is. Are you like me and go about your tasks with the attitude of, “ugh. just get it done, Mimi. it really won’t kill you…maybe.”
Imagine, well, I’m imagining, what it would be like if I had a different mindset, a different heart attitude towards the work I do around my home. What if I went about it saying, “Thank you Lord that I have dishes to wash, that became dirty with the food I was able to provide them. Let me remember that by doing this task, I bring you honor and bless my family.”
Yes, I know that’s easier said that done. Hello, I’m 44 yrs old and I know I’ve had this conversation with myself before. When it goes from our head to our heart, that’s when the change begins to happen.
We also see that the Proverbs 31 woman is a strong woman. She sees her work and is able to do it. We, as women, come in all different shapes and sizes. Physically sometimes we can only do so much. What I think we need to do is know what we CAN do. God isn’t going to call us to something that’s not physically possible. He simply wants us to be a hard worker. I think we can all accomplish that!
What is ONE thing around your house that you can change your outlook about?
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