Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Summer Lovin’, Havin’ A Blast #ad

Healthy Essentials Campaign
This is our first full summer in Maryland and it’s actually been very beautiful. It got warm here much sooner than it ever did in Minnesota. That meant we were pulling out our summer clothing and protection a couple months earlier than normal! That’s a win for us.

Our first big day outside was with Doodle’s Field Day at the the of the school year. First, it was stinkin’ hot. Second, I’ve never seen so many water games played in one spot, especially for a Field Day! It was awesome. I made sure to lather the boys up with some necessary Healthy Essentials!
Water Fight
From that day on, we’ve had some fun and amazing days in the sun. We have a new friend from church who lives right down the road. She invited us over to swim in her pool. It was so fun! Seems many people around here have pools in their backyards. I guess that’s what you do when you don’t have 10,000+ lakes around you.
Pool Time
Pool Play
From pool time at a friend’s to pool time with all of the 5th graders for their promotion party, this kid has spent a lot of time in the sun and water. Of course, I’ve had the benefit of sitting pool side while he gets wet! Yay me!
Promotion Pool Party
Ok, and a "mom” reminder, be sure to monitor your kids when they’re putting on their own skin protection. Doodle didn’t spray his shoulders or up by his neck so they were a bit pink by the end of the afternoon. Usually he’s fully covered because I put it on him. Lesson learned.P1000958
I’ll be honest with you, until last summer, I spent most of my summers laying in the sun. Yes, I know, a bad choice with the possibility of skin cancer with all of that sun exposure. I decided it was time to embrace the pasty white skin I’m not used to and either didn’t spend much time outside or if I did, I was slathered in lotion. As you can see, I was sitting under an umbrella in the shade, but put lotion on about 15 minutes before I hopped into the pool for the adult swim time.
At the end of the day, Doodle noticed he’d scratched himself up a bit and thankfully I had Neosporin and Band Aid bandages on hand! Not only that, he lost a tooth while we were there! lol What a crazy promotion party!
At the end of June the 6 of us went south for the day to play at an Amusement Park. Actually, there were 7 of us because K-girl brought a buddy along. Our first task was to lather up as soon as we exited the car. I had to be careful with the spray because wind was blowing so crazy. We backed up the spray with the lotion and I brought them both with us so we could reapply if needed.
Next week we head out for a local vacation destination and we’ll be taking the mesh yellow bag with all of our outdoor necessities with us! Would you expect anything less? =)

Before the end of the month shows up, be sure to grab these amazing printable coupons, tips & tools and so much more for all the products you and your family love. You can save more than $45 by visiting http://www.HealthyEssentials.com

What do you make sure you always have on hand for time in the sun?


  1. Sunscreen is an absolute must! I spent years tanning also, but about 12 years ago I decided I was done. I hate being pasty white, but it's safer! Glad you're having such a nice summer.

  2. With two little ones, I always make sure that I have the sunscreen handy when we are spending time in the sun! I also like to have hats for extra protection on their faces. Whenever we are at the beach, we also use the tents. I definitely think some sun is a good thing, but I worry about too much sun on my kids! :)

  3. I have learned which of my children burn to easily without sunscreen by not thinking about putting it on them because it was cloudy. Now I put it on them no matter what because they don't have my skin that tans and not burns.

  4. I am one of those moms who always forget about sunscreen on myself... But I always make sure the lil man has it on him when I know he's going to be playing outside. This summer I'll be staying in the shade a LOT more - because of lil miss - since you're not suppose to put sunscreen on newborns...

  5. I can't believe he lost a tooth! Good call on sunscreen, too- better to be pale and safe than tan with skin cancer!

  6. You are one prepared mama! I am with you on the umbrella and lathering up the kids. I love having the options of spray and lotion. Those are some of my favorite products that you are using. AND I am also the mom sitting pool side. I kind of love it. :) P.S. Your legs look great!

  7. Always carry sunscreen with me esp. in Greece with have SPF 50 with us LOL!!!

  8. Sunscreen is a necessity but I also make sure to carry plenty of bandaids. The kids seem to get hurt so much in the summer!

  9. All of those products get me through summer, love them!

  10. I make sure the boys always have water. :) Hydration is so important. :)

  11. We don't go out without sunscreen on the kids. Eventually I will have enough sunburns to remember to put some on my as well.

  12. Sunscreen - DEFINITELY! But I also always have Band-Aids and chapstick!

    Isn't summer fantastic?! Glad you are enjoying it!

  13. Neosporin is a huge must in our house. The kids are so accident prone it's ridiculous. lol

  14. What a beautiful place! Looks awesome.

  15. CHAPSTICK with SPF. MY lips are always the first to start burning for some reason.

  16. I have to do the mom double-check for my kids, too. Seems like they airways miss a spot for sunscreen.

  17. Sunscreen!! I embrace my pastiness! I have never done well in the sun, so I never took up tanning.


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