Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Art of Celebration ~ Rend Collective Review

General disclosure
We’re always on the go. Who isn’t these days? One of the ways we keep entertained is with the music we listen to. I guess it’s always been that way with us. Of course when the kids were little we listened to “their” music along with our Christian music. When I say music, I mean kid songs.

Then they grew up to be teenagers. Thank goodness! Then I was only subjected to kids music when they wanted to torture anyone driving near us. Oh, those were the good ol’ days. I have a feeling those days will be coming with my boys. One can hope.
Rend Collective CD
I loved when my girls started getting interested in music on their own. They wanted their own CDs and iPod downloads! Makes this music lovin’ mama’s heart happy. My boys are getting to that place now.

One of our newest, favorite bands is Rend Collective. When they come on the radio, we all start rocking out to it. In fact, I videotaped the boys playing their “car instruments” to one of their songs from 2012 on Instagram!

Driving in a car, listening to music, can be an experience when you do it with us…well, with me. I have this affect on people. I cause them to sing out loud, at the people we drive by, or even TO the people we drive by. I’d say it’s hereditary, because my oldest daughter started doing it after we took a couple of road trips to Chicago, but I’ve done it numerous times with my sister in law, too.
Rend Collective Art of Celebration
With Rend Collective’s The Art of Celebration, I have a feeling my boys will be joining the ranks of their sister and aunt! It’ll start with Burn Like a Star because we’re lucky to stay in our seats as we drive. It’s one of those songs where you want to pull over, get out of the car, turn the music up, and dance around!
Time for some car instruments with @rendcollective's My Lighthouse.

Some of the songs help me imagine what it would be like to be at a tent revival. There’s just something about their music. Songs All That I Am and Immeasurably More like make you want to clap your hands and stomp your feet. Others make you want just sway, raise your hands, and worship like Joy and More Than Conquerors.

Do you have a favorite song to jam out to as you drive?


  1. I love Rend Collection. They have some pretty great lyrics. I can't wait to hear the new CD.

  2. To calm my nerves or get me pumped for something I listen to either Enya or The Monks. I'll have to go see if I can find your CD to hear some of the songs.

  3. Some days I forget to turn on music I like when I'm alone in the car. By the time I park, I am kicking myself for listening to The Muppets the whole drive.

  4. I love that your boys agreed to be taped, mine hide from the camera lol. I really liked what I heard, I will look them up, thank you for sharing Mimi!

    btw, my kids control the radio in my car, it's usually kidsbop lol

  5. Listening to music in the car (or while I'm working, working out, anything really) is a must. It really makes the daily grind better.

  6. Oh I have too many to pick a favorite! We almost always have music playing when in the car.

  7. I have SiriusXM in my car and LOVE it. I actually listen to music from the 80s and 90s more than the junk that is on today LOL

  8. I love finding great music to listen to in the car too. I'll have to check this out!

  9. I will have to check out this album. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love listening to VBS music when I drive!

  11. I love Fun! Matchbox 20 and Maroon 5. I'll jam out to them anytime.

  12. i like old songs, old R& B that I can sing loud

  13. My boys are little so we jam to Happy, Shake it Off, and What does the Fox Say!

  14. I can listen to almost anything but I love loud music in the car! The kids of course prefer it loud too so they don't have to hear me sing!

  15. Sounds like a great CD. I like songs that have a great beat and safe lyrics.. . We listen to a lot of Christian rock-- Jars of Clay, Michael W. Smith ... too many to list them all

  16. Looks like lots of fun.

  17. I'll sing along to most anything when I'm alone, not so much when I'm with others. Maybe I need to take a road trip with you and change that!


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