Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Daughter The Licensed Social Worker #EarnItFrameIt #sp

The Motherhood Disclosure Church Hill
I have a daughter with a Masters Degree!
I have a hard time wrapping my brain around so many pieces of that statement. Me. Having a “child” old enough to have put themselves through graduate school! Me. Having children who are extremely smart. Me. Having children who want to make something of themselves!

Let’s talk about my girl!
When she was 16 and got her first job, she decided to have two jobs. Not only have two jobs, she was a full time online student taking college courses. To top that off, she also was a student leader at church and involved in activities at school! It was always a concern for me that she never took a breather.
Fast forward to her going off to college. She got a job off campus. A job that was very physical for her. Then she had two jobs, while being a full time student. She was also involved in her church and always active in one way or another.

Spring ahead to graduate school and she has school, an internship, an assistant teaching job, and answering phones at an engineering firm. I’m pretty sure that girl never slept! Again, always concerned for her. She’s absolutely a Type A person.

It made me happy to hear her going to concerts, going to Wisconsin to hang out with her roommate’s family, running, etc. I have to say, I was looking forward to her graduating from college! All of the pressure for her to get all of her papers in and graduate with her degree!

May showed up, and my girl was getting to walk down the aisle and receive her diploma. Imagine what she was going through finishing up her 18 years of being a student. Not only was she finishing school, all of her jobs were coming to an end! In one week, she ended it all: school, internship, assistant teaching, and answering phones! So much change for one person. Again, I was the concerned mom. lol How can I not be?

Guess what? She got through it. Not only did she get through it, she got a job as a social worker in a hospital before she even left the school. What a blessing for her to go into her field as she finishes with her accomplishment of graduating at 23 yrs old with her Masters!

I’m proud of her and everything she’s done. She put herself through school because I couldn’t help her. I barely scraped by myself so she took on the debt alone. Can you imagine?
This girl…this young lady…is spectacular!

Because I couldn’t be there to watch her official graduation (insert mom guilt sob), I asked Katherine from Creating Awesomenessity to make her some personalized cookies! She made them and shipped them to her. They got there the day before my girl graduated! Aren’t they spectacular?

She was pretty surprised to get them and that’s exactly what I was hoping for! Of course, I would’ve rather been there, but these cookies were fun to send.
If you have a graduate, and you’re looking for the perfect gift, as you can see above, having a diploma frame, so they’re able to show off all of their hard work is the perfect solution! If I hadn’t given her this frame, it could quite possibly sit rolled up in some drawer for years. There was no way I was letting that happen. You shouldn’t either!

Church Hill Classics would like to extend a free shipping offer that was developed exclusively for my followers/readers. The promo code is: HK55F and will provide Free Domestic Ground Shipping on any of their products on The offer runs through July 13, 2015.

Not only that, Church Hill Classics just launched their new "Proudest Moment" photo contest with cash prizes. This contest is open to all legal U.S. residents. There is no age requirement. Parents, grandparents, and teenagers are welcome to enter! Please read the Official Rules. It doesn’t have to be a graduation photo, but can be a special achievement or event in your life.

Have you gotten your graduate their gift yet?


  1. Congratulations! It takes a lot of work to get to your Masters!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter! Seems like she was a very busy bee! Those cookies are awesome too!

  3. How amazing! Congratulations to you both. I always wanted to be a social worker so I'm completely in awe! Way to go! - Jeanine

  4. What a great accomplishment! I would be one proud mom too!

  5. That is fantastic! Congratulations to her and you!

  6. congrats to her and you! are you from wi? that's where im from. i cant believe i have a daughter who is gunna be in 4k... cant imagine how ill feel when she's doing all the things your daughter has done.

  7. Congrats to her and to you mom. My go to graduation gift has always been cash , so impersonal! but the grad is always happy

  8. Wow! Your daughter sounds like an amazing human being. Great job mom!

  9. She looks so happy! I hadn't accomplished much of anything by age 23... Lol

  10. That is awesome! Congrats to your daughter and to you too!

  11. What an accomplishment!! You must be so proud. Sending cookies was a great idea and those are adorable!! Congratulations to your sweet girl and to you for raising such a lovely young woman!


  12. Oh, Mimi! I'm sure that part of the reason she is so spectacular is that she is your daughter. I know my oldest four practically raised themselves/each other because I was a working single mom too, but you do deserve part of the credit! She does deserve a lot of credit too though. That frame is very nice and I love those cookies.


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