Tuesday, August 18, 2015

House Building Has Slowed to A Crawl #FredNMimiBuildAHome

Before Fred and I got married at the end of June, I knew that if the house was going to continue at the pace it was going, I would have to pretty much have everything picked out before I left.

Do you have ANY idea how stressful that was for me? I’m learning that I’m a control freak, and when I’m not in the same state as the house we’re building for a month, I pretty much melt down.


I knew going into the building process, I’d want to pick out our own fans and lights. I figured if they had the sheetrock up and everything was ready, I’d better have those things ready to go. Holy cow, THAT was an expensive trip to Home Depot. It took me forever to pick out everything for each room in the house! Thankfully there’s a tiny allowance for us replacing what they’ve planned on supplying.


I don’t know why, but I’m really excited about the interior doors! The ones above are in one of the other houses that was being built.

I even made sure to pick out a kitchen faucet because I received an awesome gift card to Lowes from one of my bridal showers. The great part about the kitchen faucet? I saved nearly half of what I paid for the original one when we headed over to my mom’s for my dad’s birthday. I ran over to the Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore!

Have you BEEN to one of those? It was so great. I was like a kid in a candy shop. The ReStore is where builders, contractors, and brands send their stuff if they don’t need them. A lot of it is used, but a ton is new! The Delta kitchen faucet I ended up buying was about $75, and it retails for over $300! The new faucet I bought at Lowes, which was a different design was $139. Score!


I can’t wait to share, hopefully next month, about the faucet that Delta sent me to review for one of our bathrooms. It’s a motion detected faucet, and we’ll be having it installed in our guest bathroom. I can’t wait to try it out!


I didn’t realize at the time that the shingles were going to be black. I would’ve preferred a dark brown, but oh well…next time.


If you look at the photo above, the area closest to the bottom is the entry and living room. Where the sliding glass door is, is where the dining room will be. Below is our kitchen. I’m still kicking myself for making the window above the sink smaller. You see the two wood slats on either side of the window space? That’s how big I was going to have it originally. Blah, should’ve stuck with that. Next time, right?


Ok, I’ll say this out loud, I don’t like pillars. Not even a little bit. There are pillars all over the place here. Well, let me clarify, I like front porches with railings that are wood. I don’t like white pillars. Granted, these aren’t the massive pillars you see on many houses here. I would’ve put my foot down with that. Maybe if they’d have been stone or a more decorated wood? These I can live with.


This was after our big haul at Home Depot. We were missing a couple because they were out so I ended up having to do more running around after this little trip. I also ended up purchasing a dining room light from Menards when we were back there in July. Thanks to my boss I have a nice light now!


Little by little we’re working our way to getting things done for this house. For now our purchases are done. Until we’ve been in the house and know what little touches we want to make, we won’t know what else we want to do.

What would be the hardest decision in a house building process for you?

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