Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spring In The USA Blogging Event Sign Ups

Spring is quickly approaching and we can't wait! Trista of Andersons Angels, Kay from The More The Merrier, and ME from Woven by Words are just as excited. We are also excited to be bringing you the Spring in the USA Blog Hop.

I'm not sure about you, but I'm totally ready for spring! I'm ready for sandals, warm weather, and finally having a garden in our new home! Since it can't come soon enough, we decided to get a jump on things, and have a spring focused blogging event!

Rules to Participate:
  • You must get at least a $25 prize/package together to be given away during the blog hop. 
                                           ~It can be anything that is made in the USA.
  •  You must display the event button on your sidebar from now until the event ends.                      
  • Participation is completely FREE! All you have to do is make sure the button is on your blogs side bar, and write a post encouraging other bloggers to join in the fun! 
    ~ Put the link to your blog post in the sign up form.
  • Anyone Worldwide is able to Participate!! 
  • If you would like to participate but do not want to post about the event you can send a $5 waiver fee via paypal to
You will want to join us in this FUN Event! But you've got to HURRY! Sign-ups will end as as there are 50 blogs participating OR by March 15th, 2016! Your spot on the Linky will be determined by how soon you fill put the form. Don't forget, once you have your blog post up, fill out THIS FORM and put the link to your post in the form.


<a href= target="_blank"><img src="" style="display: inline; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;" /

If you have any questions feel free to email: Mimi at

Are you a company or brand looking to participate?
Contact me at to discuss sponsorship opportunities. I can help you connect with a blogger or bloggers!

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