Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kohl's Cares For Easter

Have you started putting together Easter baskets yet? Have you even started thinking about them? You know you have less than a week right? If you're anything like me, it's no sweat. lol You work best under pressure.

My boys are older, so I don't do baskets any more, but get them Easter outfits that make them even more handsome than they already are. Yes, I'm a mom who loves to brag about her kids.

On that note, one suggestion I have is to make a non-candy Easter basket. A great place to do that is at Kohl's. They have something for everyone! They reached out to me asking to share about their Kohl's Cares Spring 2016 Collection. My mom and I love the Kohl's Cares line. They're collected throughout the year, and she has them for the kids who come with their families to mom's annual Christmas party for her co-workers.

Kohl’s is offering books from renowned author/illustrator Leo Lionni and soft toys priced at just $5 each, with 100 percent of net profit benefiting children’s health initiatives nationwide.

The Kohl’s Cares collection is available at all Kohl’s stores nationwide and on Kohls.com now through early April.

Can you believe how adorable these are? These came today, and my youngest son, being on spring break, went outside and took some pictures for me! He's such a little helper! The chameleon and frog are bright and soft. The books, will make a wonderful gift!

What non-candy are you planning to add to your child's Easter basket?


Masshole Mommy said... 1

My boys have quite a few Kohl's Cares books that they got when they were little and still read many of them. I think this is a wonderful program!

Jeannette said... 2

Don't remind me that Easter is less than a week away. I need to get my butt to the store and get all the Easter supplies. May have to add a couple of these items that you mentioned here.

Unknown said... 3

I love the Kohl's Cares programs. Affordable gifts and the money goes to a great cause. You can't beat it!

Melanie said... 4

Books and other educational things, like flashcards, always make it in the kids' baskets. I also put new bathing suits & a beach towel in.

Felicita said... 5

Love that Kohl's does this program! My kids are getting some outfits for spring. Sweets is left to a minimum.

Adelina Priddis said... 6

OK, I haven't done anything yet! We didn't have much of a budget this year. I wanted to do new Easter outfits..... But I'm liking this idea even more! I loved these books as a kid, and am just now realizing I don't own any of them!

The Binder Ladies said... 7

Kohl's Cares Program is amazing! I love all of the books and toys you can get with them, and know you're helping out, too!

Jenny @cookeatgo said... 8

My kids love these books from Kohls!! I love that Kohls gives back like this perfect for Easter baskets!

Kelly Hutchinson said... 9

I love the Khol's Cares program. Cornelius is super cute!

Dawn Lopez said... 10

Those are totally cute plushes! What a great addition to an Easter basket. Kohl's Cares programs are fantastic. :)

Janis Brett Elspas said... 11

Kohls is great. A Color of His Own brings back such wonderful memories of reading to my kids. They're now in college.

Unknown said... 12

I love these! I would love to get my girls one of them. We love these books, so the animals are great too! I have some small kids games and toys for my daughters Easter baskets.

Ann B said... 13

I always get my kids some spring clothes for Easter. Now that they are teenagers they love getting new clothes. These are great ideas.

Melanie said... 14

I've found such great products at Kohl's, including books & stuffed animals from the Kohl's Cares line. I love the Color of His Own, so I need to go nab some.

MySentimentExactLee said... 15

Kohl's Cares $5 items are the best! This particular theme doesn't work for me but it works for my friend Erika's daughter. I'll buy something and keep it for next time I see her!

Unknown said... 16

When my kids were younger their favorite date was to go to Kohl's and pick out a book with matching pet! I love it. These look so great.

Liz said... 17

I definitely like putting non-toys in there like a stuffed friend or a good book!

Jaredamy said... 18

I love the Kohl's Cares program! These are such adorable little plush toys and the books are classics! -Amy

Becca Wilson said... 19

These are so cute. I love when books have interactive ways to enjoy reading them with little ones.

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