Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Maxine: Be Patriotic Or Not She Won't Care Review & Giveaway

Do you remember the first time you saw Hallmark's Maxine line? She made me chuckle! Maxine always says what the rest of are thinking! I was so thrilled to work with Hallmark to share about their "freedom" line for Maxine. They sent me a fun patriotic package to review, which was perfect timing with the Olympics on tv!

Now, we all know things have gone waaaay crazy with the elections around the corner. My boys are on Facebook, and they're constantly showing me memes or telling me about the latest on they've seen. They're not biased towards either party. Both are up for grabs with them.  I think I'm more like Maxine, although not nearly as funny!

This has become the first election where I've heard family members say, "tonight at dinner, with the extended family, we're not talking politics." hahahaha Okie dokie Never heard that brought up before. Honestly, we've never been a family who talks much about it. At least on my side of the family. We pretty much know where we stand. =)

Maxine and I are more alike than not. I'm patriotic, and love our good ol' USofA. I tend to carry a bit of snark with me, so that's where she and I unite! I think she will add some levity to the upcoming elections, which I think our country needs right now.

I have found a few items that I'll have to get for my aunt. She's always sharing Maxine quotes on Facebook or memes that are of her. I'm always getting a chuckle because it seems that Maxine's snarkiness never gets old. I think I should have a list of her quotes for moments when I don't know exactly what to say.

Maybe the candidates should take a cue from her and lighten up a little bit. Well, they've followed in her "yelling" footsteps of "Yellin it like it is" which they have a sound button of,. I think we should all get one, and when a candidate says something we don't like, we just push the button. =)

After wearing my socks around the house, I've decided that when I feel like being a bit rebellious, I'm going to wear them when we're out and about! heh heh heh If anything, they'll be a conversation starter, right? Maybe I'll start by wearing them to church. At least there I might get a few chuckles instead of riling people up. heh heh heh

Take after Maxine and be crabby! Kidding...sort of!

So the items you see above, I'm giving them away in a set from Hallmark to one lucky winner! Be sure to enter my giveaway, and have a second chance by entering Kay's giveaway of the same package!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. the I love my attitude problem mug is cute

  2. I love Maxine's True Colors Coloring Book for Adults!!

  3. The wine bottle one would be a good one for sister. Lol. Jodi Wresh CIAwoman66@yahoo.com

  4. I also like the Wine Bottle Maxine Ornament

  5. I like the Quite the Compliment Thinking of You Card. It conveys my feelings well.

  6. I really like the Tervis® Maxine Perfect Excuse 24-oz Tumbler. Thanks.

  7. I would love to have Maxine's True Colrs adult coloring book and the Maxine Itty Bitty to add to my collection.

  8. I would love Floyd, her friend. But I also like the Maxine Stress Ceramic Mug. Homemom3@gmail.com

  9. I love so many of the cards, especially the Irreverant Encouragement Card. I know so many people who could use it right now.

  10. I think my Christmas tree needs that I love my Attitude Problem mug ornament!

  11. I also like the coffee cup Maxine ornament.

  12. I would love to have the Maxine Free to Be Crabby Coloring Book for Adults


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