Friday, October 21, 2016

How Faucet Face Gives Back & Giveaway

You've had water, nice cold water out of a glass, right?! Isn't that the best taste? There's something to be said about how good it feels going down! When I reached out to Faucet Face to see if they would work with me on a review and giveaway, they jumped on board right away!

Faucet Face believes that everything tastes better in glass. Plastic and metal cans can taint liquid, but glass will help it tasting fresh, and who doesn't want that? When you buy their bottles, you help provide 100 liters of clean water to families in India. Now, I must say we have a connection to India. My 2nd daughter loves it there! She went once for a month when she was 16 with Royal Servants, and recently went with World Race. I know she wants to go back and do Bible translation there.

"Through its 1 for 100 program, Faucet Face donates 2.5% of ALL sales of hose water, tap is terrific and hummingbird feeder glass water bottles, PLUS, a complete filter for each sale of 5 or more individual bottles to the clean drinking water charity Third Millennium Awakening (TMA)."

So here I am, after reaching out to them getting to do a review with three of their glasses. They're the same ones I'll be giving away starting today. Faucet Face has a super cute selection of glasses to choose from. They have their Classic Line, which are the three I was sent. They also have a Limited Edition collection. Then, there's the Custom Design option which I think is fantastic!

I decided to do a fun project to go along with these adorable glasses. Now, you could do this project to fit anything you'd like. I grabbed some leftover scrap wood we had from who knows what, that was sitting in our garage.

First Fred cut three pieces that were equal in length. Those were for the long sides and the bottom. Then we measured the ends for the right fit. Next I put in the bottles to see where I wanted the spacers to go, and cut them down to size. I actually had to run to the hardware store because I didn't have any small head nails. I ended up deciding on wire nails. They had the look I was going for and the right size head.

After I got my bottle holder together, I stained it a brown that's one of my favorites. As I let that dry, I braided the grass rope that I've had sitting in my garage, waiting for a project. To be honest, after I had finished the project, I would've actually done two braids for balance. For me, it's really going to be more decorative than anything.

I'm so excited to give these same three bottles away to one winner! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a lovely giveaway Mimi! We wish, we could have run that the giveaway for you!

  2. I'd like the Stay Hydrated one. Thanks.

  3. I like the Let It Snow one!

  4. I really love The Paws up glass.

  5. the faucet face on Facebook link doesn't seem to be working. it said page not found?

  6. snow!! I wish they had one that said Drink Me with a big Cheshire cat grin!!

  7. I like the 'Trees are what we need' design!

  8. "Let is snow" is my favorite limited edition bottle, but I like the hummingbird one best of all!

  9. Total tie between the "Trees are what we need" and "Paws Up for animal rights" ones! Love them both!

  10. My favorite Limited Edition Glass is the Trees Are What We Need one! :) This is so true and I would love to spread the word by using this awesome glass over and over again!

  11. I like this one: Glass Don't Waste the Taste.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  12. Paws Up is my favorite! My dog will only drink water from the outside faucets, so we keep her water in the fridge and this bottle would be perfect.

  13. I love the Paws Up for Animal Rights bottle!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  14. I like the Never Grow Up bottle!

  15. I like the let it snow faucet face.

  16. I think that this glass bottle is really cute; Let it Snow
    Summer months and warm weather are fun, but there’s nothing quite like a cool winter breeze.

  17. Let it Snow!!! Heck at this point I would settle for rain since we are in a severe drought...

  18. I like the Trees are What We Need bottle.

  19. I like the 'Glass Don’t Waste the Taste'.

  20. I love the trees that is so us.

  21. I like the "Paws UP for Animal Rights"

  22. I like the Trees Are What We Need!

  23. Love them all..but the paws up is my favorite!!


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