Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Chemical Peel From Your Time Medical Dunkirk, Maryland

Last month, the day after we got back from Peru I hurt my back pretty badly. I did it coughing. I'm not even kidding! I wish I were. I felt my lower back snap, and the pain that shot through me was excruciating! I made an appt right away, but had to wait until 1pm to see my doctor.

I've only seen my dr a handful of times since I got my new insurance about a year and a half ago. She doesn't know me well yet, and doesn't know much of my history...which there really isn't much of. Just life stuff. I got into my appt, she gave me some medication, and as I was leaving I asked her with the meds if I could still work. I mean, can you imagine working in social media doing stuff where you have to communicate a message to people. That could get tricky. hahahaha

When I told her what I did for a living, you'd have thought angels had started singing above me. I had no idea what was happening. Turned out she had just started her own business out of her home along with having her full time job of being a doctor! I had no idea doctors had time to have lives! She let me know that she would love to work with me. Oooook

Dr. O owns Your Time Medical. She just got started this fall and is building her clientele here in Maryland. Honestly, because she's my doctor and I trust her, I was on board with whatever she was going to suggest. As I sat there...maybe stood there, I can't remember. We made a plan for me to go to her house the next week because she planned on doing a chemical peel and Botox. I couldn't believe how fortuitous me hurting my back had been!

What most people can't tell, for the most part, is that my skin is losing pigmentation. That or else I'm having issues with hyper pigmentation in a few spots. I'm not exactly sure what. It's just noticeable on my face and now on my neck. I knew that wasn't really going to help, but I'm extremely self conscious of my skin. I was looking forward to anything she could do with it.

I brought my son with me so I could have someone video me on Facebook Live. I also told the doctor I only wanted to do the chemical peel to start with. We got to her house and it was so neat. She explained the set up. There was a large room where she would do her work and a separate room where people could mingle as they waited their turn. So here's the thing about Your Time Medical. You can go in on your own or you can get a group of ladies together and have a ladies night out doing some treatments to your skin! Pamper yourself!

Having a chemical peel is extremely simple. She wipes your face with the chemical peel. Her assistant fans your face. She wipes your face with the chemical peel. Her assistant fans your face. You lay there getting pampered. Not bad, eh? She does this 3-4x and then you're done. I had just gotten back a week before from Peru and my face had been sunburned so I think the chemical peel brought out that color a bit, but it didn't hurt or sting. It just felt like she was wiping my face. I think I recall saying during the Live video that my face felt warm.

I went home with a skin care package that would take care of my face over the next week. I was extremely good about it, and Dr. O kept in touch with me throughout the entire week. She was so funny. I didn't want to be a pest or to bother her, but she was right there, "how's my face?" She explained before I left that I had better take care of her face, yes her face, because she takes it personal. What more could you ask for? She also made sure I sent her pictures to update her. I was extremely thankful for her attention.

The peeling is starting!

Nothing even happened the first couple of days. I actually thought, "ha, her chemical peel thing isn't really working." Ah, famous last words. I think it was day 3 when the peeling began to happen. It wasn't even peeling like I was expecting. I thought it was going to be like a sunburn where patches would peel off. It was more like flaking. I lived by the lotion. That stuff would cover up the flaking. Not for long, but long enough.

Can you see the "peeling"? It was more like tiny flaking

The next few days the peeling spread over my whole face. It wasn't horrible. As long as I kept the lotion on, I had no issues going out in public. I also used a sunscreen. You have to. You have brand new skin coming through and you have to protect it.

The peeling worked its way to my hairline

I think on day 5 I couldn't stop touching my face. My skin was so soft! I can't even explain it other than being able to compare it to a baby's soft skin. This was also the same day that putting the lotion on my face or the sunscreen would burn. I guess it's all part of the process. It didn't last long, just as it got onto my skin, but sheesh that was the only stinky part. I think it lasted through the next day, but I just didn't put the lotion on as much.

I'm a few weeks out from the first day of the chemical peel and I can absolutely feel a difference with my skin. I know you're not supposed to touch your face because of all the dirt and oil on our hands/fingers. I really can't help it though. It feels like an entirely other face.

I still have the issues with the color differences, and I'm not sure that will ever get better. It'll probably keep changing with my luck! lol What I'd like to do is keep up with this. Thankfully it's something that only "needs" to be done 1-2x/yr. It's such a great investment in myself.

Fresh out of the shower and my uneven skin tone, but oh so soft!

Here's what Your Time Medical offers:

  • Microneedling
  • Chemical peels
  • High Quality Products
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Botox

Take care of yourself this winter and give the gift of pampering to yourself or ask for it as a gift!

Dr. O also gives back. This past week she worked with Project Echo, which is a shared-living program for homeless people! Your Time Medical hosted a dinner with some other people to give back to her community.

Have you ever had any work done to your face or skin?

1 comment:

  1. Actually you ROCK!!! Thanks for bring brave and confident enough to share the day to day peeling process. That was invaluable...though you mentioned to say I also fixed your back :-). And our face (yes I am claiming half of your face, looks so soft and smooth. And don't worry I have more tricks up my sleeve to help even out you tone. XOXO Dr. O


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