Today I watched the full trailer for BEAUTY AND THE BEAST! It was amazing. Literally gave me goosebumps. Is anyone as swoony as I am about this movie? I know we all know how the movie turns out, we've seen the movie already! But this...this is going to be so fantastic!
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Posters & Trailer
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Hyundai Sonata Rental Car Review
Towards the end of last year my company, Collective Bias, was bought by Inmar. Inmar is headquartered in Winston-Salemn, North Carolina. I was beyond excited to find out our company would be traveling to HQ to get to know our new parent company! Well, except for the flying part. I wasn't excited about that.
I contacted the travel company and explained to them my fear of flying. They were so amazing, they made it so I only had to fly into Charlotte and drive up to Winston-Salem. In fact, they were SO amazing, the day I was flying out, they said I could drive down if I was too afraid to fly! I flew. Fred made me.
When I got into Charlotte, I headed to the car rental counter and was given several cars to choose from. I was able to go into the parking garage and pick whichever one I wanted. I had 2 Impalas, 1 Cruz, and 2 Sonatas to pick from. I felt like I had time to sit back and peruse the cars at my leisure. After I'd walked past them all once, and looked inside the Impala, more people started showing up. What the what?! I hadn't had a chance to look at the Sonata, but was interested in the Impala, but as soon as I went to look at the Sonata, two guys got into the Impala. I knew I didn't want the Cruz, and I wasn't interested in a silver car, so I hopped into the gray Sonata.
As you get into the car it plays a little tune. Cute! I was surprised at how spacious it was. I'm not used to riding in sedans. The back seat would easily fit three people with a lot of leg and head room. I felt very comfortable in the driver's seat.
I had to drive an hour and a half on the freeway, and it was fantastic. The car rode so smoothly. It was a really quiet drive. My last two vehicles have been AWDs and they're not quiet ones. The silence of the road made quite the impression on me!
I was able to pair my bluetooth with the car, but was bummed there wasn't a map I could use. I know that it's a feature that's available, just not with the rental. Thankfully the drive was all on the freeway.
Speaking of the drive on the freeway, that was pretty awesome. This little car has a ton of get up and go to it! I was driving in the afternoon on a Monday. Not much traffic so I was able to cruise along. Passing was a breeze if needed.
When I got up to Winston-Salem, I was able to park in the garage not too far off the freeway near the hotel. It was kind of a stinker that I didn't get to drive it again until the day I left. I headed over to Old Salem to take a little tour of some historic buildings. Oh, and to GET into the car was "fun." Someone parked next to me leaving barely any room to get in. Some people's children. I was "this" close to leaving a note letting them know exactly what I thought about their parking job.
Driving through the little town was interesting. The brakes were touchy for sure. I kept telling myself every time I touched them that next time I'd be softer on it, but nope, kept forgetting. Oh my gosh, the blinker drove me batty. Do you remember when you were in elementary school and the music teacher handed out a piece of wood and a wand? Remember the sound it made when you'd knock on it, that woody block sound? EXACTLY what the blinker sounds like.
The Sonata handled very well on the freeway and in the city. I liked the steering wheel. I know that may sound strange, but I liked how ergonomic it felt in my hands. Mine have always just been circular. This one is shaped so that your hands just fit perfectly at 10 and 2. The way my hubby drives is with his hand at 6 o'clock and they've left a perfectly sized spot for his big hand. I also liked that all of the steering wheel controls were on the front, not hidden in the back, and easy to understand! I can never tell what I'm pushing in Fred's car.
One of the things that bothered me was how low the console seemed to me. I felt like I was looking down farther than normal. The steering wheel was in a position that's comfortable and normal for me, but the dashboard seemed rather low. I know it's just a small thing, but raising it even 3/4 of an inch would've been nice.
I also didn't understand the intermittent wiper display on the dashboard. It didn't match the arm visuals when you changed the speed. On the arm, you start with the switch down, which is the slowest setting. As you look on the dashboard, it shows a bar at the bottom, but next to it, it says "high". As you click it up, the wipers move quicker, but the display shows the bars filling up as it moves away from the "high." Color me confused. Just the weird things I notice in cars.
Oh, which reminded me of something I really did like. Ok, so in my current vehicle and my old minivan, if I was charging my phone using the car, if I turned it off, it would still charge my phone. Fred's car doesn't do that and it makes me nuts! I often need to power my phone while the car is off. Well, guess what? First, the phone will continue charging, and can just use your USB cord! Love, love, love! Can you tell I don't have that feature in my Traverse? lol On either side of the USB plug in, two auxiliary input jacks. There's also lots of spots up front for holding little things.
I also don't know what the trunk space looked like. Since I was the only one who need up riding in it, I never needed to check it out. My gas mileage wasn't bad, in fact it was pretty good. I got 37mpg which is a LOT better than my Traverse.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but this was the first time I've ever driven a Hyundai. My aunt has either the Santa Fe or Tucson and loves it. I remember riding with her several times in it, and really liking how it handled.
Let me just say, if I had a choice of rental cars again, I'd definitely choose this one. It was fun to drive, and could easily hold my family.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Love Is In The Air With Zonderkidz & Giveaway
Zonderkidz has a cute selection of books just in time for Valentine's Day! I was able to review a couple of books and you'll be able to win one!
Lots of Love
by Kim Washburn
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310758617
Summary: Lots of Love celebrates all the ways we show love—from hugs and kisses to sharing and helping others. The sweet rhymes and whimsical artwork in this board book illustrate the special bonds of love between families and friends. Perfect for young children, this book will make you want to snuggle with your little one as you two explore the greatest blessing of all—love!
My Review: The illustration is delightful! The colors are bright and cheery which had me enjoying the book. The font is easy to read and fits so well into the story. Any child will like hearing the story in it's rhyming style. It teaches children the different ways they can show love to family, friends, and animals. It would be great to do a craft with your child to go along with the book by making Valentine's Day cards for loved ones. You could even make cookies and they could decorate them to share with a neighbor!
The next book is a sticker & activity book suitable for kids 4+
The Berenstain Bears Hugs and Kisses
by Jan & Mike Berenstain
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310753827
Summary: The Berenstain Bears come to life with puzzles, activity pages, and reusable stickers in the newest Berenstain Bears sticker and activity book The Berenstain Bears Hugs and Kisses Sticker and Activity Book. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the Bear family and their Bear Country friends and neighbors.
My Review: I'm pretty sure no home with children is complete without a lot of Berenstain Bear books! Your kids will love receiving this heart filled sticker & activity book for Valentine's Day. First I love the illustrations and the colors are perfect for this holiday. The activities in the book are good for a variety of ages, and with help, the little ones can do some, and older kids can do the more challenging pages. What I enjoy most about these books is that the Berenstain's have a wonderful balance of showing how the bears love each other & others as well as God's love for us. They go hand in hand, and is well done in this book.
I'm giving away the Berenstain Bears Hugs & Kisses book to one lucky winner! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Deciding To Workout. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
Over the past few years things have changed...physically.
When I worked at Menards, I usually walked about 10,000 steps each day I was at the store. I would sit down in the evening, but even still, I would be out in the garden & mowing in the summer or shoveling regularly in the winter.
Flash forward four years, and my days are spent sitting on the couch. I walk from the bedroom to the couch. During the day I regularly get up from the couch and go to the fridge for something to eat or drink. Clearly you can see that there's a complete lack of movement every single day. That means a lot has changed physically.
Sigh...the stacks of clothing I now have that don't fit me is much larger than the ones that do. Last year it was a decent stack. This year I added to it.
The number on the scale doesn't lie though. The number isn't always a true statement as to someone's health. People would look at me and think, "nothing wrong with her," "that's not a bad number." If I were active and eating well, and my weight went up, I wouldn't really worry about it. Unfortunately, the changes in my body and how I feel tells me that something needs to change.
I had reached out to a few gyms to see if I could work with them, but sadly only heard back from one, but they don't work with bloggers. What to do, what to do.
I guess it's time to workout.
I've talked several times with a manager at a gym, and I'm planning on joining. Planning. I haven't done it yet. Isn't committing the hardest part? Maybe walking through the front door is the hardest part? Possibly going back the second, third, and consecutive times is the hardest part?
I wonder sometimes if I've gotten to the end of my rope truly with how poorly things are going with my body. Do I really want to try to be healthier? Do I really want to put in the effort? Do I really want to give up the time it'll take to workout several days a week?
When I'm getting changes or standing on a doctor's scale, it's a resounding, "YES!" When I'm sitting at home watching Downton Abbey (streaming it on Amazon) eating a popsicle, it's a mediocre, "yea!" I do and I don't want to commit to going to the gym.
I wish there was a weight fairy who would sprinkle fairy dust on me and I would be in shape. I wish I could wake up in the morning and just have a raging desire to get on the treadmill that's become a coat hanger. I wish I hadn't sat around for so long that my body has physically changed in drastic ways. I can wish in one hand and spit in the other to see which fills up first.
So far I haven't responded to the gym manager's latest email to me answering questions I had about the facility. I have plenty of excuses as to why I haven't: I've been painting the first floor since last Saturday, I'm going out of town next week for work and won't have the gym nearby, and mostly that I think I'm sure to fail and won't ever actually commit to it. I don't know how to look at this commitment with excitement or positivity. I fear everything that could go wrong with a workout and a gym, and that's what drives me...or keeps me sitting on the couch.
Maybe today's the day. Strike while the iron's hot. There's no sign up fee this month, and it's month to month so no contract. It's affordable mostly. January's the time for change, right? So let's take this working out business by the horns and see how it all pans out!
2. A list of 20 ideas to make this your best year yet.
3. Write about how you would spend the perfect Snow Day.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: workout.
5. Tell us about the last time you dressed up.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Out & About With Teens In Northern Virginia & Maryland
This past weekend, I had three teenagers at home. I spent most of the weekend painting the house, and decided on Monday to take a break and do something fun with the kids. The only issue was, I had no idea what to do. I mean, there are the typical things, but many of those "typical" things you do when it's nice out. We could've gone to Ocean City, but that would be a 3 hour drive, and honestly, at 43º I wasn't super interested in that.
We could've gone to Annapolis, but we've done that.
We could've gone to the National Mall, again, done that.
I decided to chat with my Maryland group on Facebook because most of those people have lived here longer than me. They came up with some great ideas, and while I didn't use any of them, I wanted to share those ideas with other people who might be trying to find something fun to do on a chilly winter day with teenagers.
Side note to why we didn't go do any of these things: I forgot my youngest had a dr appt on the early afternoon, and we couldn't cancel it.
The first suggestion was by Fadra Nally. She suggested the National Air and Space Museum, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Smithsonian. This is different than the one in D.C. This one is closer to Dulles in Virginia. The teenage girl wasn't really interested, but I think we'll plan a different time to go because every time I drive by the airport, I want to find time to visit. It's free aside from the $15 for parking. Not bad for a family.

The next suggestion was the National Cryptological Museum from Shelly Dixon. In fact, she had a few fun ideas! Sadly, it's closed on Federal Holidays so that was out, but the teenage girl was very interested in this one. Actually we all were. I had no idea it existed, but it sounds fascinating! They have artifacts about the cryptologic profession. There's so much I don't know about code making & code breaking! Another free place to visit!
She also suggested a place called Shadowland. From what I can tell from their website, it's laser tag on steroids. They refer to it as an "experience". There's obviously a cost for this, but the more people who go, the less expensive and the more fun it sounds like they will have. This would be fun if the kids got a bunch of their friends together to go do. It's also located in Maryland, in Columbia.
Pam Stultz suggested Sky Zone, which we all know kids love! My boys have been to them in Minnesota with their sisters. Who doesn't love a good trampoline bounce every once in a while? I'm sure on national holidays though, that place is probably packed!
Her suggestion reminded me of a place that we saw when we were visiting my brother and sister-in-law on New Years Day. It's a place called iFly. It's an indoor skydiving adventure. Now, this isn't for the faint of heart, and it's not cheap, but man, wouldn't that be a fun experience? It's the only way you'd ever find me flying. This would definitely be something to save up for. It's definitely cheaper if you bring a group of people! Since they're teens, they should have some spending money set aside right?
A photo posted by iFLY Loudoun (@iflyloudoun) on
What do the teens in your area like to do?
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Chick-fil-A Breakfast Giveaway
You know, mornings are not my thing. I'd rather be up late. I'm a night owl. Now of course, that means since I'm not an early bird, I really don't go anywhere in the morning. Trust me, it's better for everyone! And when I say, "better for everyone," it works out to your advantage!
A photo posted by Mimi N (@mimibakermn) on
Ok, ok, I'll stop delaying because I know you don't want to hear about us eating at Chick-fil-A! lol
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Meet The Cars From CARS 3
When Fred and I went to see the new Star Wars movie about a week ago, we saw a preview for the new CARS 3 movie. We were both surprised at how pulled in we were by the trailer. We agreed that as soon as it comes out, we'll be seeing it!
Check out some of the new cast and of course the returning Lightening McQueen!
Lightning McQueen is world champion—a modern-day racing legend who’s riding high with five Piston-Cup wins under his hood. Suddenly, he finds himself faced with a new generation of racers who threaten not only his dominance in the sport—but the confidence that got him there. Determined to get back to the pole position, the #95 must decide if his love for racing is enough to fuel the comeback of his life.
Cruz Ramirez is a sunny-but-fierce unconventional trainer at the Rust-eze Racing Center. She expertly arms the team's talented rookies with cutting-edge tools to tear up the track—but she nearly stalls when her longtime idol Lightning McQueen shows up. While she’d love to help him find his way back to the top, she knows the competition is faster than ever, and victory is all about speed—or is it?
Jackson Storm is fast, sleek and ready to race. A frontrunner in the next generation of racers, Storm’s quiet confidence and cocky demeanor are off-putting—but his unmatched speed threatens to redefine the sport. Trained on high-tech simulators that are programmed to perfect technique and maximize velocity, Jackson Storm is literally built to be unbeatable—and he knows it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
DIY Wool Dryer Balls
Not sure if you're anything like me I get around to things when I get around to them. Even if it's something I really want to do or I'm interested in. Hence these dryer balls finally being made! I've wanted to make them for ages, but for one reason or another never got around to making them.
There are things that I would like to do to make life "healthier" this year. Starting the new year off I figured on a snowy day would be the perfect day to get started with them. Thankfully the other day when we were out shopping I picked up a couple of skeins of wool.
Let's get started shall we? I used a worsted wool that's a cream color. I also got a heather gray skein. I might do that one tomorrow.
The first step was to wrap the yarn around my slightly V shaped fingers about 12 times.
After that you remove it from your fingers and wrap it around the middle about 12 times.
From there, you start wrapping around and around and around.
When I had the ball halfway rolled, about half the size of a tennis ball, I put a few drops of lavender essential oil on it.
I continued rolling until it was the "right" size, and then threaded the end through the ball several times.
After getting all 3 balls rolled, I used a pair of crazy, old socks that are like stockings to knot the dryer balls up in. I haven't had nylons since the early 90s and knew these socks would do in a pinch.
I washed them in a hot water cycle several times to get them felted. They turned out perfect! I'm looking forward to making another set. They're extremely relaxing to make.
Let me know if you've done this before! Have you used roving wool? That looks like it would be fun to use! I may try that at some point after I've tried my hand at these enough times! And what tricks have you used to keep the static down?
Friday, January 6, 2017
2017 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
I don't know about you, but around this house, we're excited for the movies coming out this year! The line up from disney is spectacular! Check out what 2017 has to offer:
The story and characters audiences know and love come to spectacular life in the live-action adaptation of Disney’s animated classic “Beauty and the Beast,” a stunning, cinematic event celebrating one of the most beloved tales ever told. “Beauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart of the true Prince within. The film stars: Emma Watson as Belle; Dan Stevens as the Beast; Luke Evans as Gaston, the handsome, but shallow villager who woos Belle; Kevin Kline as Maurice, Belle’s father; Josh Gad as LeFou, Gaston’s long-suffering aide-de-camp; Ewan McGregor as Lumière, the candelabra; Stanley Tucci as Maestro Cadenza, the harpsichord; Audra McDonald as Madame de Garderobe, the wardrobe; Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Plumette, the feather duster; Hattie Morahan as the enchantress; and Nathan Mack as Chip, the teacup; with Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, the mantel clock; and Emma Thompson as the teapot, Mrs. Potts.
Narrated by John Krasinski (“13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi,” NBC’s “The Office,” “Amazon’s “Jack Ryan”), Disneynature's new True Life Adventure film “Born In China” takes an epic journey into the wilds of China where few people have ever ventured. Following the stories of three animal families, the film transports audiences to some of the most extreme environments on Earth to witness some of the most intimate moments ever captured in a nature film. A doting panda bear mother guides her growing baby as she begins to explore and seek independence. A two-year-old golden monkey who feels displaced by his new baby sister joins up with a group of free-spirited outcasts. And a mother snow leopard—an elusive animal rarely caught on camera—faces the very real drama of raising her two cubs in one of the harshest and most unforgiving environments on the planet. Featuring stunning, never-before-seen imagery, the film navigates China’s vast terrain—from the frigid mountains to the heart of the bamboo forest—on the wings of red-crowned cranes, seamlessly tying the extraordinary tales together. Opening in U.S. theaters on Earth Day 2017, “Born in China” is directed by accomplished Chinese filmmaker Lu Chuan, and produced by Disney’s Roy Conli and renowned nature filmmakers Brian Leith and Phil Chapman.
Set to the all-new sonic backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” continues the team’s adventures as they traverse the outer reaches of the cosmos. The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mystery of Peter Quill’s true parentage. Old foes become new allies and fan-favorite characters from the classic comics will come to our heroes’ aid as the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand.
Johnny Depp returns to the big screen as the iconic, swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow in the all-new “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.” The rip-roaring adventure finds down-on-his-luck Captain Jack feeling the winds of ill-fortune blowing strongly his way when deadly ghost sailors, led by the terrifying Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem), escape from the Devil's Triangle bent on killing every pirate at sea—notably Jack. Jack's only hope of survival lies in the legendary Trident of Poseidon, but to find it he must forge an uneasy alliance with Carina Smyth (Kaya Scodelario), a brilliant and beautiful astronomer, and Henry (Brenton Thwaites), a headstrong young sailor in the Royal Navy. At the helm of the Dying Gull, his pitifully small and shabby ship, Captain Jack seeks not only to reverse his recent spate of ill fortune, but to save his very life from the most formidable and malicious foe he has ever faced.
Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) is suddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back in the game, he will need the help of an eager young race technician, Cruz Ramirez (voice of Cristela Alonzo), with her own plan to win, plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet and a few unexpected turns. Proving that #95 isn’t through yet will test the heart of a champion on Piston Cup Racing’s biggest stage!