My husband came up with the idea to make solar lights out of them somehow. I thought it was a great idea, but where to start! At first I wanted to use them along the garden, but since the garden is tucked in for the winter, it's not cleaned up enough to use in my post yet. What to do, what to do...?
I figured I'd get started on the craft, and go from there as to where I'd place it.
First off I started with 4 soup containers, tops and lids. I already had spray paint and the tools I'd need. All I had to do was scrounge up solar lights. We have some Fred put in the garden last year, but there were only a couple and they were in pretty bad shape. While we were out shopping, We found an 8 pk on sale for $5!! I need to go back and get more.
I started off by painting the bowls of the soup containers. I went with green in case I decide to put them in the garden once it comes alive with new growth! Yay to having the spray already!
From there, I cut out the square logo out out of the lid, not realizing I was going to end up using them later! After cutting out the logo, I put the round solar light on top of the lid, and gauged the size I needed to cut out to fit it in the top. It took several tries, but I'm sure I could've traced around it. I'm just too lazy!
When I put the top on, I realized that the light wouldn't shine out very well. I debated putting designs on all four sides, but that's when it hit me that I should figure out how to add the logo square. It wasn't easy to make sure it could fit, but I cut out a square roughly the same size as the square and put it in through the back so I could tape it in place.
I added the lid to each of them and waited for the sun to go down. I really had no idea how it was going to turn out, but it totally worked! I was actually pretty giddy about it! I made everyone go outside to admire my handy up cycling!
My step daughter told me I should add designs around the sides. Go figure! I haven't done it yet, but I still might. I really like how the light shines out the top and front. Maybe adding slits to the side or I might just let her get creative about letting the light come through the other sides!
I may get a red spray paint and make 4 more. I could put the green ones in the garden and the red ones would blend well with the brick steps! I'm excited about the possibilities!
What would you do with upcycled Chick-fil-A soup containers?