Thursday, March 30, 2017

Jonathan Morrow's 'Welcome to College' Survival Pack Giveaway

Welcome to College
by Jonathan Morrow
Published by Kregel
ISBN: 9780825444883

With my son's upcoming graduation from high school, I thought reading this book as a review would be a great idea! When I received the offer, I couldn't say, "No." This is a book my son will be getting this summer as he gets ready to hopefully go to college!


Is there a more frightening question for a graduating high school senior than "What will you do with your life?" In college, whether they realize it or not, students will answer that question every day with each decision. All of the new friends and new experiences of higher education will shape their future. It's critical that students know how to handle college before they're in the thick of it.

Jonathan Morrow tackles the tough questions that arise during these formative years, including:
  • How do you grow spiritually?
  • How do you manage your time to both study well and have fun?
  • Is all truth relative?
  • Are there good reasons to be a Christian?
  • As a Christian, how should you view issues like dating and sex?

Each chapter of this new edition has been updated, and the author has included a new chapter on Christianity, homosexuality, and the Bible. Grounded in both his own extensive experience and biblical truth, Morrow's book is full of quick, easy-to-read chapters and excellent advice.

My review:

I'm not one to highlight or write in a book except on the rare occasion. Welcome to College was one of those rare occasions. To start with, I like at the end of each chapter they have "The Big Ideas" which covers the main points of what was just read. Most often the Big Ideas had 1 or 2 of the pieces I highlighted.

I like that the chapters are short & digestible. My son isn't a reader, and while he probably won't read this straight through, he can read a chapter here and there. I'm even considering doing a study on it with him. At the end of the book are questions for each chapter, so it will give us a spring board for diving in. Really, this book encourages them to live their own faith. They're leaving mommy & daddy's covering (well he's going to community college to start) and they've got to figure out what they truly believe as an individual.

One of the words I really grabbed onto was "Christianophobia." The author covers what that is in the chapter called True Tolerance. I found that to be a really good chapter...they all are really. I liked how he integrated his college experience into what he's teaching those who are going out into the big world. And the thing is, you don't have to be going to college to read this. It's a good world view book all around. We all have a world view, but what might yours look like?

I really think this book is exhaustive and covers an array of topics that I just never would've probably thought to discuss with my kids. I know I didn't with my girls as they headed off to college. Thankfully I have time with my son, well both of them, but more "urgently" my baby boy who's no longer a baby!

Welcome to College Jonathan Morrow

Does your high school senior nervously gulp when asked what his or her life plans are? Give him or her encouragement and peace of mind with Jonathan Morrow's Welcome to College, what J. P. Moreland calls "the single best volume I have ever read for preparing students for how to follow Jesus and flourish as his disciple in college." Jonathan Morrow tackles the tough questions that arise during these formative years. Each chapter of this new edition has been updated, and the author has included a new chapter on Christianity, homosexuality, and the Bible.

Join Jonathan and other parents prepping their kids for college in celebrating the excitement of the next life stage for their kids by entering to win the College Survival Pack Giveaway (details below) and by attending his author chat party on April 11!

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • One copy of Welcome to College
  • One $50 Target gift card
  • One $25 Amazon gift card
  • One $25 Starbucks gift card
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 11. The winner will be announced at the Welcome to College Facebook party. RSVP for a chance to connect with Jonathan and other parents with kids prepping for college, as well as for a chance to win other prizes!

RSVP today and spread the word-tell your friends about the giveaway via social media and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 11th!

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