When you're invited to ride a brand new roller coaster by Busch Gardens, how can you say, "no"? I took them up on their offer to visit the park and test out InvadR, their first wooden coaster. Well, except for the fact that I don't really care for roller coasters. I figured I'd take my boys along with me and THEY could ride the roller coaster.
Eventually I searched YouTube and found videos on how they built it, and got a look at how the ride actually was. The one thing I found, mmmmmm as a nudge, to get me to ride it was when the park Sea Director, Design and Engineering said that it's meant to be a family ride. Hmmmm so maybe kids could ride it? If kids can then I could right? Also, the part that sealed the deal that I'd give it a try was when they said it didn't ride like a typical wooden roller coaster, that was much smoother!
I kind of ended up having to go on the ride because I forgot to have my oldest take the day off from work so he couldn't even go with us. Sheesh, that was a big mom fail. My youngest was able to go down, so we got a hotel room the night before, and found out our ride time was at 7:45 AM...ay em! We had to be there by 7:15 so that meant an early rise time for me and the kid.
We got to Busch Gardens right on time only to find out it was SO cold that InvadR wasn't thrilled to be running. Let me tell you, it was stinking cold! We thought it was going to be in the high 60s. Yea, no, it was around 45º! By the time we arrived they were running about an hour behind. The plus was they had food and drinks for all of the people riding. There were a few porch heaters running, but not enough to keep all of us warm. Whatdaya do, eh?
When it finally came to our turn, we got there with a family whose mom didn't like roller coasters either. hahahaha We were bonding over our fears. This was one of those times I wish I had a GoPro! If you had a GoPro, they'd strap it to the front of the coaster for your own personal POV video. Of course I wouldn't have wanted to be in the front seat. HA!
When it comes to roller coasters, the thing that freaks me out are the big drops. I can go upside down or around fast corners, they don't bother me. Big drops...Aaaaaaah Watching the InvadR ride video, there was only one drop, and the rest were fast turns. I could totally do this!
The first time we rode, see how I said, "first time", I had my eyes closed with the drop. Sakes alive roller coasters freak me out. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that. lol For the rest of the ride they were partially opened. It turned out to be pretty amazing.
We were done with nothing to do since the park didn't open until 10am. We kind of stood around, went back to where the food was, stood there warming up for a little bit, and then headed back to the ride again. I realized then that people were going back on the ride! I asked my son if he wanted to go again and he was game. I told him this time I'd try to keep my eyes open. I tried. Probably for half the drop I kept my eyes open. heh heh heh It was a lot more fun the second time through.
I can see why they say it's a great family ride. It's extremely fast, and it's constant fun, but it's not scary at all! It's not rickety like a wooden roller coaster, which I've ridden before and are rather painful to be on. Here you get the fun of being on the wooden coaster with the sleek ride of a steel one. You can't beat that.
Around 10am I noticed a line of people who were being stopped from coming into the media section of the ride, which was right in front of it. By 11am the line was super deep and they were allowed to make a line closer to the ride. At 11:30 the park president addressed the media about InvadR opening. He spoke for about 15 minutes and the next thing we heard was a ruckus! The Vikings were coming with their entourage. The head Viking addressed the crowd and by noon the crowd was released to ride the newest roller coaster at Busch Gardens! I grabbed a shot with him and off we went to hang out with the rest of the park.
Since it was so cold out, we decided we'd only ride a few more rides before we headed home. We got on Verbolten, which I've ridden in the past, but this time I wasn't feeling it for some reason. hahahaha We got on it and I started shaking. The surprise part of this ride always gets me even though I know it's coming. hahahahaha
We road the Turkish Delight (tea cups) and The Tailwind where I totally squished my kid. Man, that ride makes us laugh probably more than any other one. Who doesn't like being able to squish the person sitting next to them?
I hope we can get down there a few more times this year. We love being able to go to Williamsburg not only for the park, but because we have family there, and they're always wonderful to spend time with.
What ride to you like at parks?
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