Friday, June 9, 2017

CARS 3 Activity Sheets

About a month ago I was able to check out the CARS 3 Tour that was going through our area. My son had the day off so he went with me. It was a great place to take the littles (not that I have any, but it was so cute to see the little kids). I think our favorite part was watching the extended trailer. The movie looks like it will be amazing!

In anticipation of the movie opening on June 16th, print out these activity sheets for the kids! They'll love them, and get them revved up for the movie.

There's also the CARS 3 Miss Fritter's Corn Fritters Recipe, Make Your Own Race Course, Memory Race, and a Race to the Finish Board Game that can be downloaded & printed as well! What a great way to get the summer started, right?

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CARS 3 races into theatres everywhere on June 16th!

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