Monday, January 15, 2018

Peru & Her Stuffed Animals

Last year, just after the New Year, I ran to PetSmart for some random thing. I have no idea what it was for. As I was walking around, I found a bin with stuffed animals in it, and I think they were $1.99! The way Peru goes through stuffed toys, I figured if I got several of them they might last her a month or so. The one I got was a cat, which I think is named Lucky. It's part of PetSmart's Philanthropic Collection which give back to pets & children in need. Who knew? I didn't.

I got home, and her excitement over her new "baby" was fun to watch. She took off with it and started nibbling on it. I figured it would take her by the end of the day to get through it. Guess what? It took her a couple of months to start pulling out the stuffing! I couldn't believe it. Thank goodness I got 6 of them because they literally lasted for an entire year.

Peru chewed through her last one by the end of December, and by the time January rolled around, all she had left of her last Lucky was the shell. The stuffing made its way around the house in bits and pieces.

I decided for kids to check out PetSmart again to see if they had any stuffed animals left over from the holidays. This time the only thing I could find was a stuffed dog. I thought they were still at the retail price, but she needed a new one so I grabbed one and head to check out. When the gal scanned it, it was only $2 so I rushed back and got 6 more of them.

She was SO thrilled to see all of the new babies coming home in bags! I gave her a new one, a dog named Chance, and she rushed off to the bedroom to start nibbling on him. Here's the strange thing. I had brought home two other stuffed animals the week before because she seriously needed a stuffed animal. Peru pulled out the stuffing by the end of the day. Why she doesn't do the same thing to her babies is a mystery to me. I'm just happy to have an inexpensive toy for my dog to play with for the year!

I'm going to head back to see if they have any left so maybe we can bring some to Peru with us for the kids in October! Fingers crossed!


  1. Ah, the things we do for our pets! My Maggie doesn't play with toys, but she goes through beds pretty quickly. I end up buying one every couple of years!

  2. I have a 6 mo old chihuahua named Chloe and she loves her stuffed animals. Peru is so cute.

  3. This is so adorable. I love it when fur babies have a favorite toy.

  4. We love PetSmart! They seem to really cater to our furry friends. That’s why we are returning customers! From my experience, our furry friends need something to chew on - otherwise it could be the furniture. Peru is a gorgeous lucky dog to have family members like you all! I love companies who give back! TY

  5. That's too sweet! My 7 month old matipoo,Jackson, has a goofy horse he hauls around. It's funny how they gain attachment to things! I love fur babies💖💙


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