Thursday, May 9, 2019

Awesome Con 2019

Last year was super busy at this time of year and we wren't able to get back to Awesome Con. Watching all of the coverage definitely made us keep our schedule clear so that we could go this year. We were able to get Press Passes thanks to Awesome Con and we couldn't wait to go!

Awesome Con, in case you've never attended it's the Washington D.C.'s Comic Con. If you love comics, movies, tv shows, gaming, etc, this is the place for you. They literally seem to cover every conceivable angle at this Con! And if you love cosplay, you will love all of the costumes you see over this 3 day event.

Jacob and I spent all day Friday at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. We got there around 11:30am and lasted until about 5:30pm. It's so great getting there early on Friday because the people are slowly trickling in.

We didn't have an agenda, but Jacob knew that he wanted to try to find the artist who did his Arrow picture. He also wanted to see Danielle Panabaker. She is from the The Flash tv show. I think I remember her from Hers, Mine, and Ours. lol Other than that, we were just excited to be able to see every thing Con related.

We started off at the Backlot with the 80th Anniversary of Batman. It had props from all of the Batman movies. That was pretty fascinating to to walk through. Seeing all of the outfits from the Batman movies (and judging each actor as we did) really got our excitement going for the rest of what Awesome Con had for us.

From there the crowds were starting to come in and we headed for Artist Alley to see if we could find the artist Jacob likes. We literally went up and down every aisle checking out the artists. There were a couple that we both got to meet and were new fans of. Unfortunately we didn't find his artist.

That section spills into the merchandise area which is huge. Anything your mind could imagine is probably something that could be found in this section. From LEGO figurines to light sabers to unicorn socks. Everything under the sun is there. Connected to the merchandise section is Future Con and Awesome Con Jr. I love that this area is so kid friendly!

We made our way back to the opposite end of the Exhibit Hall to see where the guests would be. We caught a glimpse of Lou Ferrigno, Wallace Shawn, and Kate Flannery. I got in line to see Kevin Sorbo because he was in the first God's Not Dead and he's from Minnesota so...

Jacob and I decided to go to a panel so we had to walk through the entire convention center to get to it. We saw the gaming area and planned to check it out after the panel. The program was called "A Galaxy With/Without Jedi". There were 2 women and 3 men with different knowledge of Star Wars. It never ceases to amaze me how much knowledge super fans have of these subjects. The people in the audience laughed and responded to the things they said so clearly we were in a room of those same kinds of fans, including Jacob.

After the panel was finished we checked out the Gaming area. It's basically a huge room with a variety of games you can play that are all stacked on a rack as well as times throughout the day to play specific games. Across the hall they had a video gaming area. That was pretty amazing. Lots of games that we'd never heard of as well as a whole wall of arcade games! They had one of those dance competition "games" set up. Ah, if only my sister-in-law were there! lol

We finally went back into the exhibit hall and after wandering up and down the artist rows to try and find the guy he had been wanting to find again. I finally went to an artist whose work was similar to the other artist, but on a much smaller scale. He thankfully knew exactly who I was talking about and they told us where to find him. He was tucked away in a section we didn't realize we hadn't been to at the back of the exhibit hall. Needless to say, I was relieved and my son was elated!

After we got the Flash colored in as much as Jacob wanted, we went over to see if Danielle Panabaker was around yet. She was, but she was just leaving!!! hahahaha Thankfully Jacob was able to get her autograph on his poster. Mission successful!

Overall we had a fun time at Awesome Con. I know Jacob will want to go back and probably dress in Cosplay. Already looking forward to next year, costumes, and more panels!

Jacob's review:

It was my first to attending Awesome Con, and it was an amazing convention that I’ll definitely be visiting again. There were so many amazing artists and writers there that I was able to interact with and admire their work.

We saw some amazing cosplay, I think my favorite had to be a man walking around as Deathstroke. I think next time I’ll have to attend in cosplay myself! It was just as awesome seeing all the past Batman suits used throughout the movies.

I think the longest part of the day was searching for Cory Smith; a black and white artist who draws amazingly nerdy characters. I had received one of his print drawings of Stephen Amell’s Arrow, so I thought it would be perfect to grab one of his Flash drawings. Afterward, asking Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin Snow on CW’s The Flash, to autograph it. It was a great way to end the day.


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