Monday, June 3, 2019

Heart & Home By Victoria Duerstock & Giveaway

Heart & Home: Design Basics for Your Soul and Living Space
by Victoria Duerstock
Publisher: Abingdon Press
ISBN: 978-1501881039

I have been trying to do things around our home, little by little, to make it homier. My hope with reviewing Heart & Home with was that I could get design tips as well as spiritual encouragement.


Our home and its design can encourage spiritual growth in our hearts. Heart & Home is a short devotional book with daily devotions for 90 days. The devotionals seek to draw clear connection between the basics of interior design and scripture that encourages spiritual growth within our hearts. The devotionals inspire women to have a captivating heart and home. Included in each devotional is an applicable design tip and photographs. Example devotional topics include unity and harmony, negative space, flow, focal point, and balance.

This devotional includes four-color photographs of home interiors throughout the book.

Click here to view a sample of the book.

For more information about the series and for links to purchase, visit

My Review:

I know full well how an organized and beautifully designed home can make people feel relaxed and comfortable. I also know how unsettled we can feel when we're in a home that is disorganized and is out of whack with design. I'll be honest. I have no clue how to decorate a home. It seems like I have an idea of what could go in each little spot, but nothing is cohesive, even in the same room. Cringeworthy I know!

I have a long way to go when it comes to home decor. I have lots of ideas, but I think I need several homes so I can put to them all to use. Starting with the first page I realized how much I really have to learn. I have colors galore throughout the house. Gulp. Turns out  I should've picked an overall color scheme and stuck with "three or four colors to use in various shades throughout the house." Too bad I didn't read this before I slapped paint on the walls in different rooms.

I really like how the scripture and prayer go along with each design idea. They fit well with the design suggestion the author brings us. The photos not only give me great inspiration but I like the sense of calm each of them brings. If an image can do that for me, how much more would that be in my house? There are a couple pages that I would actually like to incorporate into my home.

I also like the layout of the book. Under each of the titles is the scripture, the author's thoughts on how to apply the design idea and how it fits in with faith. To be able to pull those two together page after page is a gift! I appreciate the prayers as well because they're a great starting point to go deeper into prayer.

I want it to feel cozy and homey. I feel like taking some of the steps recommended by Victoria I might be able to accomplish some of that goal. At least little by little, right? Not only do I want those as part of my home, but peace would be wonderful, too. I know when I'm at my best friend's house, there's so much peace. Her design throughout the house is simple and peaceful. There's not a disorganized spot in her home. It's definitely inviting. Like scripture says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." John 14:27a

One of the other facets of my home is getting the family onboard. Having an all around idea for our home and having my guys on the same page as me will probably help us get to our (aka MY) goal sooner rather than later.

As much as I enjoyed Heart & Home, I'm looking forward to the September release of the "For Christmas: Celebrating Joy In Your Living Space"! This would make the perfect gift for my Christmas loving daughter who is in her first home.

About the Christmas release:

As a writer, teacher, and speaker with a busy work and family life, Victoria Duerstock understands that all the tasks of the holiday season can make it easy to forget the true joy that Christmas can bring. In Heart & Home for Christmas, Duerstock brings her mission to inspire hope for God's purpose, and her 20 years of experience in the furniture and design industry together, connecting Scripture with design elements and easy decorating tips in a way that reflects the true spirit of Christmas. The devotions and holiday decorating tips will encourage spiritual growth and inspiration to have both a captivating heart and home at Christmas.

Click here to view a sample of the book.

Releases September 17, 2019

About the Author:

Victoria Duerstock is a writer, blogger, teacher, and speaker. Her mission is to inspire hope and ignite bigger dreams for God’s purpose in each of our stories. She has a master’s degree in music, but ended up working in the furniture industry for more than twenty years and loves to make connections between our home environments and our spiritual lives. Victoria writes at Encouraging Women Today, Everything’s Gravy, Creative Corner, and Serious Writer Academy and also has contributed to devotionals for Worthy. She lives in Nesbit, Mississippi, with her husband, and they have three children.

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Here's your opportunity to win your very own copy! It also makes a fantastic gift!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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