Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Off The Hook By Dana Tibbitts & Patti Goldberg

Off the Hook
by Dana Tibbitts & Patti Goldberg
Publisher: Hidden Manna Ministries
ISBN: 978-0-985097837

I was sent this book from FrontGate Media for review. I know I don't often review non-fiction, but forgiveness is such a vital part to our walk with Christ I wanted to check this one out.


SO YOU THINK YOU'VE FORGIVEN? THINK AGAIN. Is there something you’ve inadvertently picked up along the way that’s sucking the life out of you? Stealing your peace? Has you stuck? Stuck happens. Much as we think we’ve moved on, hard things have a way of taking root in the heartscape of our lives. Off the Hook shares real life stories of real people who had no idea they were still captive to past hurts—until they walked through deep forgiveness! This way of forgiveness offers healing and freedom you never thought possible. It’s about the power of truly letting go—taking old pain patterns and people off your hook, for your sake, not theirs. No longer hemmed in by the burden of deep hurt, loss and offense, you are free at last to soar above it. Discover what no one has told you about the forgiveness power tool—what it is, what it is not, and how to do it. Rewrite the ending to your true story by retrieving the wellbeing and destiny God has for you.

My Review:

I was surprised at how in depth Off the Hook was. It was also written in a way that digestible for readers. Forgiveness can easily be a heavy topic to tackle, but the authors do so in a very grace-filled way. I appreciated that for readers such as myself, each chapter is broken down in a way that makes it easy for the reader to take in what's being said, mull it over, and then continue reading.

One of the pieces of the book that I really appreciated were the stories that went along with the segment of the chapter they were covering. I'll admit, the first part of chapter 1 struck a chord with me. I'm not always the greatest at building up my husband and I don't ever want him to look back at our relationship and see me the way their example did to his ex-wife.

We all have to deal with forgiveness. While it's going to be on a different level for each of us, what's shared in this book is practical for everyone. The scripture that they pair with the area of forgiveness that's covered is vital to us understanding the power of forgiveness and what God calls us to. This is a book I'll be suggesting to my book club, because I believe we can all use it in our lives.

Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a copy of the book. You can also get the book with the Kindle Countdown set for February 20-27, starting at $0.99 1st day. (Regular price $5.99)!

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