Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Follow Your Heart On Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Ok, can I be honest with you here? I haven't watched any Hallmark movies since January. Whew, that was like ripping off a bandaid. I was concerned about confessing, but now it's like I've had a weight lifted off of me.

Here's the thing... Hallmark was always on at my house. It was either something I was watching or it was just on in the background. I appreciated the movies and shows. Mostly for the fact that they are clean, feel good shows. Unfortunately, the channel grew stale for me. Every movie was the same. Same actors, same actresses. Insert yawn. Yes, I know it's always been like that, but it finally wore me out.

Now we're at the end of September and I had the opportunity to screen Follow Your Heart. One of the biggest reasons I jumped on the chance to review the movie before it hits tv is that an author I love wrote the book that it's based off. I met Miralee Ferrell years ago. I've been a fan of her writing for a long time.

So, let's get to the movie... Follow Your Heart will premier October 4, 2020 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries at 9PM EST/8PM central.

WHAT a refreshing movie. And I'm NOT just saying that. I haven't read the book so when the movie first started I thought the female character might go into some kind of weird parallel universe. You'll understand why I thought that when you see the beginning. hahahaha

I don't think I've seen any movies with Galadriel Stineman (Kathy Yoder) before and I'm ready for her to be in more! She was probably my favorite character in the movie. Well, the little girl who played Sarah Mast, Remi Hilson, was absolutely delightful to watch! Then there was Kevin Joy (Isaac Mast). I'm pretty sure I've never seen him in anything before, but he sure seemed familiar. I really enjoyed him as well. He did a great job as an Amish man.

Kathy's manager... goodness was she mmmm energetic? Ditzy? A combination of both? Karla Mosely did a fantastic job in the role. I think when actors have to be something other than "normal" they have the harder job to do which I why I appreciate them. That goes for Jonathan Patrick Moore who plays Jack, Kathy's "love" interest. Sakes alive he was obnoxious.

I can't imagine what it's like to leave your family and your faith like Kathy, aka Katrina, did after she grew up. Going back, after her father dies, is definitely difficult for her and those around her. Her sister and other Amish ladies are clearly still hurt by her turning from the Amish faith. I could understand her sister's bitterness. Isaac, having grown up with Katrina, doesn't seem to hold it against her, but you know that her leaving years ago hurt him.

Yes, there's a love triangle. Yes, people have to decide what the future looks like. Yes, it's a Hallmark movie, but it was just so much more than that! It was a movie of hope and finding true love. It's not your typical movie and that's what I appreciate about it. It's original and one that probably will top my list of Hallmark movies.

Be sure to check out the paperback or Kindle version of Follow Your Heart as well!


  1. I stumbled across this while looking for an interview about the movie - I’m so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the kind words. It was an incredible experience! All the best!!! - Galadriel Stineman

  2. Wow! What a great review! I thought they did a wonderful job on it as well. And in case anyone needs to know, it airs on Oct. 4th and Oct. 9th, at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 pm Pacific.


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