Thursday, February 4, 2021

Toddler And Elementary Books For Black History Month

I know it's Black History Month and since I do book reviews, I wanted to share some elementary/middle school books that aren't ALL about Black people, but minorities and people who have overcome hardships.

Last summer I wanted to do a series and life just got away from me. I had never read any of the Who Was series. I don't even remember them from when my boys were little (they weren't around when my girls would've read them). I'm bummed because I would've learned a ton from them.

I actually read "Who Was George Washington Carver" because he loved plants even more than me. He was also super smart, especially on the science side of them. BUT, he's probably most well known for his work with peanuts. You read right, peanuts. I mean, he was famous for a LOT of things, but peanuts were his claim to fame (which he wasn't interested in btw).

After reading that book, I borrowed a TON of books from the local library. I was actually blown away by the number of people, events, places, etc covered by this series. Who knew? And honestly, these books should be required reading. Even adults will learn from them! I was actually fascinated by how detailed the stories were and all of the facts included. Easy enough for an 8 year old to read, but filled with enough information that those of us who are older will get something out of them.

I also appreciate that these books aren't just about people who have died. These books are current and a valuable part of educating our kids at their level about the things going on around us.

Then there are the amazing picture books that make me want to go on a buying spree! These books are wonderful for preschoolers and early elementary children.

The please, baby, please book is absolutely adorable! This is one that I'll have to get my daughter because it really gives me such a giggle. She'll probably want to wait until my granddaughter is a little older. I want my daughter to be able to relate what's going on in the book to what's going on in her life when my granddaughter is a toddler. Ha!

And of course, I want my granddaughter to be interested in the library and she will be able to see Lola's excitement at visiting with her mommy in Lola at the Library. I mean, I figure this book is kind of given considering my love for books and the number of books I've already bought her.

And I'm not sure if I've ever seen a more gorgeous children's book cover than Sulwe. It's stunning and I could just look at it for days. The illustrations inside are just as gorgeous! The beginning of the story will wrench your heart out, but it'll help our (grand)children to be more thoughtful and considerate. In fact, I think there are quite a few adults who could use this book too.

First, is there anything sweeter than a daddy with his daughter? Second, yes, when that daddy will do whatever he can to help his little girl's hair look great for a special occasion. Can I get a collective, "Awwww!"?

Lastly, I'd never heard of Henry's Freedom Box. What a story! Another "must" for your family's bookshelves. The story isn't an easy read because of what Henry and his family have to endure at the hands of others. But there's FREEDOM in the end and what could be better to celebrate! This story will absolutely bring about discussions and shouldn't be missed!

If you think there are other books I should check out and add to my list of books I want to give my granddaughter, please let me know! As a grandma who wants to instill the love of books at an early age and give my granddaughter a wide range of books, I'd really like some input. I'd appreciate it!

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