NIV Verse Mapping Bibleby Kristy Cambron
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 031045459X
Don't you just love God's timing? I joined Kristy Cambron's Facebook group a few months ago. Then, last month found out about the new Verse Mapping Bible she had coming out so I jumped at the chance to review it!
Go beyond just reading the Bible.
Verse mapping means getting real about studying the Bible. More than simply reading a verse or Scripture passage, verse mapping means using Bible study tools to research what you’ve just read in the Bible—to learn more about what God is saying to you and how you can apply his Word to your life today.
In the NIV Verse Mapping Bible, author Kristy Cambron expands her verse mapping curriculum series to include verses from the entire Bible, showing you how to compare Bible translations, pick out meaningful words, and delve into the true meaning of each verse using starter verse maps and prompts. Verse mapping will help you study the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse. This unique study technique includes exploring Hebrew and Greek word studies, finding connections in Scripture, comparing Bible translations, and learning as much as you can from your time in God’s Word.
Verse mapping involves five steps:
- Choose: Select a verse and write it out.
- Compare: Record this verse in two or three other Bible translations and underline key words that are the same or different between translations.
- Research: Look up the Hebrew or Greek meaning for the underlined words and record it.
- Consider: Ask questions of the verse. Imagine what it would be like to have experienced what’s happening. Read the verses surrounding this verse and use other study tools to dig even deeper, if you prefer.
- Apply: What is God saying to you? How does this verse relate to your life today?

My Review:
Ok, so I'm not a "quick start" kind of person. I'm someone who often needs to be taught something or given an example visually before I jump in - no matter what it is. I'll admit to being more than just a little intimidated to get verse mapping started. What if I didn't do it right? What if others saw how I was doing it and they let me know that in no uncertain terms I wasn't doing it correctly? What if I couldn't figure it all out? lol Hello pressure.
Being in the verse mapping group on Facebook I know I'm not alone. Honestly, I think most of us who are nervous to get started just want to make sure we're doing it "right". What I like about the group and the Verse Mapping Bible is how encouraging everyone is! You don't HAVE to be perfect at verse mapping. You just need to get started.
Seriously! When I first opened my new Verse Mapping Bible, it begins with "Getting Started". Kristy explains how the Bible is laid out and what you'll "need". Then there's the "Verse Mapping 101 - Study Steps" which explains all 5 points you'll go through as you verse map.
Here's what I'd say in regards to getting started. First, definitely pray. Ask the Lord to open up your heart to the Spirit so that you will receive what He wants to teach you. Find a scripture. It can be a scripture that you "land" on, one you've been wanting to study, or maybe even in a study you're already doing. Well, if you're intimidated like I am take baby steps to getting started. Do steps 1 and 2 for a couple of tries. That's as simple as writing down the scripture and then finding the parallel verses in other versions. I actually like looking at a good handful of versions so I can see how different they are as well as how similar. I tend to only write down a couple versions though for comparison. I mean, even after her explanation of how to verse map she literally says, "Don'e be afraid to start small..."
Ok, the next step, step 3 is where I've been stumped the most. lol Well, at least I was for the first attempt. I was looking for the definition and translation of a specific word, but the tools I was using weren't playing along well. HA! I think I started out with a scripture that I didn't know was going to stump me. What I had to do, instead of getting frustrated, I just moved to steps 4 and 5. lol Sometimes you've just gotta move right along.
After I had the first verse map under my belt I definitely felt more comfortable moving on to the next one! See, it doesn't take long after you get your feet wet. And to be really truthful, after only doing this a few times, it's a bit addicting. HA! Even just reviewing one scripture I know who was writing the scripture, where he was writing it and why. Yes, I can pull those pieces together in other ways, but it's sticking with me this way!! THAT'S the important piece.
Let's talk about this Bible specifically. The one I received is a hard, gray cloth covered NIV Bible. At the start of each book we're told who the author is, when it was written, and where it takes place. Very short, to the point sections. We're also told the theme of the book and the major breakdown of the sections of the book. And lastly we're given an introduction to the book.
In each book of the Bible there are partially done verse maps for specific scriptures and at the end of each book a completely blank one. On the pages without the verse maps you have space for journaling. At the end of the book there are a couple pages for notes, but not much extra, which is totally fine considering the point of this specific Bible.
Now, I went to a dollar store and bought a small notebook and a set of colored pens. Dropped $2 so I could have a spot for the verses I wanted to do on my own that weren't near the blank verse maps. I figured I'd leave those for when I was doing scripture closer to them. I know there are SUPER talented people out there who will go to town with their notebooks, but listen, I'm just glad I got colored pens to section off the steps. hahahaha Go hog wild with your creativity if that's your jam, but if it's not, it's completely OK! Listen, you don't want to get colored pens? You don't have to. Use a pencil or your daughter's crayon.
Bottom line, just get started!! And seriously, join the community of those of us on this journey, too!
About the Author:
KRISTY CAMBRON is an award-winning author of historical fiction, including her bestselling debut The Butterfly and the Violin, and an author of nonfiction, including the Verse Mapping Series Bibles and Bible studies. Kristy's work has been named to Publishers Weekly Religion & Spirituality TOP 10, Library Journal Reviews’ Best Books, RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, received 2015 & 2017 INSPY Award nominations, and has been featured at CBN, Lifeway Women, Jesus Calling, Country Woman Magazine, MICI Magazine, Faithwire, Declare, (in)Courage, and Bible Gateway. She holds a degree in Art History/Research Writing and lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons, where she can probably be bribed with a peppermint mocha latte and a good read. You can connect with her at: and Instagram: @kristycambron; Twitter: @KCambronAuthor; Facebook: @KCambronAuthor; and Pinterest: Kristy Cambron.
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