Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Mobster's Daughter By Rachel Scott McDaniel

The Mobster's Daughter
by Rachel Scott McDaniel
Publisher: Ally Press
ISBN: 978-1953290205

I have become such a HUGE fan of Rachel's so when she offered her newest release for review I ran, I didn't walk to download the ebook!


The one man who could help her, must never know her name.

If Kate Chamberlin can't reveal her true identity to the world, she must settle for sharing only her talent. Hired as a musician for KDKA radio, Kate plays everything from sponsors’ jingles to complex sonatas. As long as the whispers around the broadcasting room refer to her as “Killjoy Kate” and not “Catarina the crime boss's daughter,” then her life is safe from danger.

Or so she thinks.

When anonymous, violent threats surface, Kate's wary of accepting protection from the handsome private investigator, Detective Jennings. His save-the-world attitude is as charming as his manners, but no one, especially him, can know the gruesome realities of her birth.

The 1924 Pittsburgh underworld is as complicated as it is elusive, and though the dealings of the Salvastanos have dwindled, Rhett Jennings is certain the man responsible for his father's death is still at large. But his personal hunt for justice must be set aside when his day job requires him to investigate threats directed at a young radio broadcaster with enamoring brown eyes and secretive behavior.

When danger surrounds them, will the truth of Kate's past become the key to their survival?

My Review:

I guess it's a good problem to have when the only thing you can do is give an author 5 stars every time you read one of their stories.

I wanted to read The Mobster's Daughter for 2 reasons: 1) the author and 2) the cover. I had no idea what the book was about. That's how much I love this author, and once again, she knocked it out of the park!

We initially meet Catarina as she arrives in America searching for her father. Unfortunately, what she finds doesn't give her hope, but forces her to assume a new name to shield her from the crime boss name. Goodness, I loved Catarina aka Kate Chamberlain. She's so innocent and kind, nothing like the father everyone despises. My heart went out to her as she tried to hide herself at a radio station while trying to figure out what happened to her father.

She immediately runs into Rhett Jennings, but months later their paths cross again and he will do anything to keep her safe. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the truth about Kate and for the reader, it's a mix of feeling sorry and hopefully all at the same time for both of them. Through the author's writing you can feel the struggle both Kate and Rhett go through. She knows she's lying to him and he's struggling with his own damaged past.

I have to admit, this story got my heart racing on numerous occasions! You'll get so entwined in the story you feel like you're in the moment! Whether we're following Kate into her dark apartment or she and Rhett are having a "moment" your heart rate will spike! All in a good way because the author's writing is incredible! My imagination was transported to the 1920's and I honestly don't think any other authors write as wonderfully as she does for that time period, especially when it comes to speakeasies.

There are SO many things to love about this story I can't possibly touch each one in my review. You don't want to miss out on this fantastic read!

About the Author:

Rachel Scott McDaniel is an award-winning author of historical romance. Winner of the ACFW Genesis Award and the RWA Touched By Love award, Rachel infuses faith and heart into each story. She currently enjoys life in Ohio with her husband and two kids. Rachel can be found online at www.RachelScottMcDaniel.com and on all social media platforms.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this awesome review!!!


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