I love the variety of Bibles that are available to us these days. God's Word has been given beautiful design in The Abide Bible published by Thomas Nelson. I received this Bible for review & there's a giveaway you'll find towards the bottom.
The edition I received is the Stone Leathersoft. The two other options are Brown Leathersoft and Blue Hardcover. I loved the design on the cover of the Stone, but the Brown also caught my eye. At the front of
The Abide Bible you'll find more details on how to use the Features listed below.
NET Journal Edition Features
- Practical Scripture-engagement prompts based on five ways of interacting deeply with the Bible:
- Praying Scripture: pattern your prayers after biblical texts, personalizing the prayers and gaining language for the thoughts and emotions you wish to express
- Picture It: place yourself in the biblical narrative as a bystander or participant in important events
- Journaling: focus and reflect on Scripture and its meaning for your life, opening yourself to God's voice as you write
- Engage Through Art: consider a classic piece of art - photography, scultpure, painting - and let it deepen your meditations on God's truth
- Contemplate: follow the church's longstanding practice of reading, meditating on, praying, and contemplating a passage of Scripture to experience God's presence through the words of the Bible
What I enjoy about these features is that it helps us, as the reader, to use a different perspective of what's happening in that particular Scripture. For example, in Genesis the Picture It has you imagining standing next to God as he speaks creation into existence. Obviously we're limited to our own imagination, but the awe and wonder of Scripture comes to life in a different way.
Since I'm not much into journaling I like the prompts it gives to write out my thoughts on the Scripture I've just read. I don't do well with a blank page, so these Journaling ideas are incredibly helpful. I also appreciate the Praying Scripture feature because I typically take Scripture at face value unless the Spirit speaks to me in a way that opens it up even more. Well, this feature helps to have a fresh take on what we're reading, gives us a deeper look at it.
The art you'll find in The Abide Bible is very interesting, especially for someone who isn't very "artsy". We're introduced to a multitude of artists from around the world through a variety of mediums. What I liked about this art is that the contributors found a way to share a piece of art that's unrelated to the Bible and relate it to the Bible. lol Like The Little Street (1658) by Johannes Vermeer. It portrays a scene across from the author's house, and the contributor has the reader go through Psalm 91 and meditate on what it means to live with God. There's much more to the reading of the Engage Through Art feature, but that's the gist of it.
Aesthetically, The Abide Bible is simply gorgeous. The Leathersoft edition is, well, soft. Like butter! It lays open without pages trying to flip over. The ribbons match beautifully. And the font, it must be a 16 because it's crisp and clear. There are a few maps at the back of the Bible, but not much more. There's no index.
FREE DEVOTIONAL! They are offering 21 Days Free for a study in John led by the author/editor, Phil Collins (sadly, no Gensis connection!! : ) The sign up for the offer is HERE
Be sure to entire to the GIVEAWAY for The Abide Bible!
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